Page 35 of Takeover

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I found Gwen in the kitchen, packing her lunch."You're up early."

She whipped around, her eyes roaming over my bare chest before she answered."Making my lunch for work."

"Running away from me, Ness?Not that I blame you."

"What do you mean?"she asked, nervously licking her lips, but her gaze didn’t meet mine.

"Did something happen last night?"I asked.

Her eyes went wide."Like what?"

I ground my teeth."You ran out of bed this morning.What happened?Did I snore or intrude on your side of the bed?"

She shook her head, but I could tell she was holding something back.

"Why are you running?Why are you up this early?"

"I'm not running.I just need to get to work.In case you haven't heard, my company is being acquired.I need to figure out how to tell my people and deal with what happens next."

"At five thirty in the morning?"

"Yes.This acquisition is going to be a blow to the team.There's a lot to do, and Lance will be here in a minute."

My flair of rage whipped out."Fucking Lakewood.Remember what I said about being your only one?I meant it."

"Oh, for fuck's sake.Jesus, I need to go.Who is my point of contact for the acquisition?I have lots of questions, forms, paperwork."

I scowled at her."First of all, you work with me, directly.You don't work with anyone else."Fuck, something was wrong here.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the CEO?Aren't there, you know,peopleI can talk to?Anyonebut you?"

I lifted my brow and crossed my arms."You know, I'm starting to get the impression you're trying to avoid me."

"I'm not trying to avoid you.I just assume that you are very busy."

The muscle in my jaw ticked.“I am busy.But as a new acquisition, you are very important to Pendragon Tech.Plus, you are going to be my wife.So I'll see to it personally.Anything you need."

The security buzzer went off, and she checked her watch.Then she muttered a curse.She hit the button on the panel next to the fridge and spoke quickly."Sorry, Manny, please send him up.I'm not quite ready."

She was going to go without finishing our conversation?"We aren't done, Gwen."

"Sorry, I have to go."

"Okay, fine.Lunch today.You come to my office, or I’ll come to you.We have an engagement party to plan."

She pursed her lips."I'll be meeting with my team and probably won't have time for lunch.We might have to talk when I get home."

"Oh, we're having lunch,” I insisted.

"Like I said, I'll see." She sashayed toward the door, grabbing her canvas bag.

"Just so we're clear, Gwen, Pendragon has a whole communications package for you.Someone from my office will be there to assist you and handle it however you want."

"Can I go now?"

I leveled her with a glare that held hers for a long moment."By all means."

But I followed her down the hall into the living area.As she shouldered her bag, she frowned at me."What are you doing?"
