Page 53 of Takeover

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"No reason,” I said.“I just didn't expect to see your competition in here."

He cocked his head and studied me as I tried to force my face into an emotionless mask."Right,” he said warily.“Let me get you a drink.What would you like?Pellegrino?Coffee?Tea?"

"Oh, tea, please."I needed to do something with my hands.I hated coffee with a passion.I loved the smell of it, but ugh, the taste...yuck.It didn't matter how much sugar I added or dilute it with milk, I still hated it.Lance always made a point of bringing me hot chocolate in the morning so I could look like one of the cool kids.

"Right.Tea it is then.Here you go."

But I’d turned to stare out the window, and his voice right behind me startled me.When I whipped around, my hand knocked against the mug, sending the contents splashing onto his shirt."Oh my God, I'm so sorry.Fuck.Fuck, fuck, fuck.I'm so sorry."

I immediately reached into my bag and pulled out tissues, trying to soak it up, but his hands stilled mine."Hey, it's okay.It's just a little spilled tea.I have another shirt in there.I'll change real quick.Don't move."

"Is this you telling me where to be again?"

"Maybe,” he grinned.“But I do want to know why you're here, so give me two seconds."

He disappeared into the bathroom, giving me a second to take several deep breaths.His office wasn't what I’d expected.I’d expected another version of the penthouse.Cold.Bare.But there was oak paneling, dark and masculine.Leather couches and chairs.And there were photos here.A couple of him and Micah, one from what looked like a beach trip.Then I noticed one of him and another woman.I could see immediately that they had the same eyes.Probably his mother.And there was another photo of him with an older woman and Micah, also grinning.He looked happy.

I turned around to find him coming out of the bathroom.He didn't seem irritated at all that I was snooping.And he came out of the bathroom shirtless.My God.

For fuck's sake.I'd seen him shirtless the other day, but this was shirtless in suit pants.Jesus Christ.

I dragged my fingers along the corners of my mouth to make sure I wasn't drooling and also to make sure my lipstick was all right.Then I forced my gaze off his chest as he reached into his closet to pull out a clean dry shirt.

I deliberately tore my gaze away to his desk, and my heart stuttered when I saw a photo of myself.It was from the gala.The lighting was superb, and I was laughing.I remembered the moment.It was something Morgan had said.I looked happy.Where did he get this?

Suddenly, I felt his shadow next to me, and I turned to find him watching me."Where did you get this photo?"

"I called the photographer from the event."

"Okay, it's weird that you have it.”

"How is it weird thatI have a photo of my fiancée on my desk?After all, shouldn't I?And since you brought it up, we need more pictures together.I'll have Leah organize an engagement photoshoot."

Oh, right.Engagement.We were getting married.I was his fiancée.Heshouldhave a photo of me, and Ishouldhave one of him.

No.Fuck that.There was no way I was going to have his sardonic face on my desk all day.Absolutely not.

"Um, you know what?We’d better have Morgan organize that.There may be a photographer she knows who's great at photographing bronze skin.We want the pictures to look good, don't we?I'm sure Morgan has contacts, and she can ask Clarissa to help."

He frowned."Sorry, I didn't even consider that."

I shrugged."Well, why would you?"

"I just… I never thought about involving your family.If there is anything else I'm not thinking about, please tell me."

He seemed to mean it."Right.Listen, about last night…"

"What about last night?"

The way his voice went low and throaty made me clutch my thighs together, trying to stave off the melting of my core.

"I have been thinking about what you said.About me not asking for help and just fighting for my team.I'm just used to doing everything on my own.The one time I accepted help, it turned out badly."

That was the understatement of the century.

“Tell me, what do you need, Gwen?"

Morgan had told me that when I was dealing with him, I needed to use my assets.The problem was I wasn't charming like her.But I did have other assets.So I sat on the corner of his desk, angling my body to face him.
