Page 73 of Takeover

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"I swear to God, if you bug me with something Lance-related, I will force-wrap your hair."

With a sharp gasp, she delicately patted today's wash-n-go style."You wouldn't.It took me two hours this morning."

"I would.I love you, but I would."

"All right, fine, Lance is off the table.Which leads me to my final reason for coming."

"You wanted to see the view for yourself?"

"We have already covered the view.What I want to know is when the fuck were you going to tell me that you had boinked the hell out of Atticus Price?"

I coughed around the glass of water in my hand."What?"

"Don't youwhatme.Those little touches yesterday, those weren't about putting on a show.The two of you have done the deed.The horizontal mambo.Why on earth wouldn't you tell me?"

"How could you know?"

"Because you're my sister.I will always know.Besides, you were walking with a pep in your step that wasn't there two nights ago.So, that means something happened after I left the other night and before breakfast, and you didn't call me to dish?"

"Even if I wanted to, things got a little crazy.And then I woke up to meet you guys for brunch.I would have called you… eventually."

"Well, I'm here now, so spill."

"I'm not going to talk to you about sex with Atticus.Not here, where anyone could hear."

"Whatever.You will dish and you will dish now.Or the syrup goes in your hair and I start blabbing very loudly about the time that Todd Wilcox finger-banged you in the movie theater on the school field trip."

"Oh my God, you would not."

"I am ruthless."

"Jesus, Morgan, I was seventeen.And you weren't supposed to overhear that story anyway."

"Listen, eavesdropping on you and your friends having conversations was my essential awakening.Learning all about how you were trying to emulate the movie fear without the rollercoaster event had me running to watch that movie.And I have to tell you, Marky Mark… He was hot."

"Oh my God, Morgan, fine.We slept together."

"And?You can't just stop there.I mean, was it big?Was it any good?”

"Morgan, please!"

"All I'm saying is inquiring minds want to know.I'm inquiring.My mind wants to know."

I snorted a laugh."It was…" God, just thinking about what we had done in the morning before I headed out to meet her and Clarissa, I flushed deep."Let’s just say he's more than promised."

"Hell, yes.I am happy for you.This is so exciting, and this is real.It's the real deal.This is love.I'm very excited about it, by the way."

"It's not love, Morgan.It just happened because he was upset I didn't tell him about my birthday."

She winced."You didn't tell him, Gwen?"

"No, it didn't occur to me that I needed to."

"Gwen, maybe it's time to talk to someone.I mean, look, I know you've broken the seal.It might be good to speak to someone about everything that happened with Bronson.I definitely think that you should tell Atticus."

"I'm not doing any such thing."

"Oh, so you're going to continue to shove it down and pretend like it never happened?"
