Page 74 of Takeover

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"I don't want to talk about this."

"Well, you need to talk about something.About anything.Hell, I would be satisfied if you told me that you're going to let Atticus Price spoil you stupid.That he's going to swoop in and give your employees all the bonuses, all the money, something to take the weight off you.I would be happy if you said that you are, for once, going to take a break, or if you said that we're going to celebrate your birthday properly.Not this bullshit thing where you try and ignore the day and then begrudgingly let Clarissa and me take you to brunch.I would be happy if you said any one of those things.But you keep saying nothing.I just want you to be happy, Gwen."

I bit the inside of my cheek."I am happy.This is me being happy."

"No, this is you doing what you always do.Pretending and protecting everybody except yourself.And maybe by not talking, you think you're protecting yourself, but you're only holding yourself back.From the looks of it, you finally had an orgasm.Good for you."

I flushed again."Morgan."

"What?It's an orgasm.If we're lucky, we all have them.And hopefully, yours was good.From the Ice King, no less.I am a little worried about the frost, you know, on the lady parts.But if it's big, then it's big."

I couldn't help myself.I picked up a piece of French toast and threw it at her.I didn't usually lose control.The splatter of syrup on her face made me gasp in shock.But instead of being irritated, Morgan just grinned."There she is.I knew she was in there somewhere.Now, if you could let my fucking sister out more often, that would be fucking amazing."

I frowned."What?"

"You just lost your cool.Old Gwen lost her cool.I want to see more of that.She was fun.She would throw fucking pieces of French toast at me.But I won't waste it and retaliate.I am going to eat this."

I shook my head at her silliness.Had I really changed that much?

Had I allowed working under my father’s rule to make me meek?

"I'll drop it for now, okay?”she said with a smirk.“But you having orgasms now is really a big fucking deal for me.I just want you to know that I love you.And I know what you've been going through, so I’m happy for you.Though I expect to be told the details.And if you don't want to talk about it yet, that's fine.I'll let it go.But I want to be happy for you about something, not worried all the time.So let me be happy for you, even if it is a giant icicle.”She grinned wickedly.“Tell me it's agianticicle."

I snorted as I grabbed a paper towel and wet it for her to wipe the syrup off her face.

"Jesus Christ, it is.I fucking knew it."

And then, for the first time in a long time, I let myself relax as I told my sister something fun.



On the nightof the engagement party, my sister squeezed me so tight I couldn't breathe."Oh my God, Morgan, let go."

"No, I'm not letting you go.You're my big sister, and you're about to walk out there to your engagement party.Why does it feel like I'm losing you?"

"That's ridiculous.You're obviously not losing me.I love you.Now, let go."

We were in the bathroom, double-checking makeup and things, and Morgan was hovering."Are you sure you're okay?"

"Morgan, stop worrying.I'mthe big sister."

"I know.I just know how this came about, so of course, I worry about you."

"You don't need to worry about me, honey.Things are good now.We've been slowly working our way toward each other.We’re in a good place now, so don't start a fight with him on my behalf."

"First and foremost, I'm a lady.I don't start fights.Second, you deserve to be fought over.Remember that."

"When did you become the big sister?"

"I didn't.I'm just finally standing where I want to be."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Excellent.Now go find your sexy fiancé.Let him shower you with orgasms.I'll be in the corner somewhere, yelling at Lance to get his sorry ass over here."My sister shoved the door open."I'll see you out here in a minute."

"Hey, Morgan?"
