Page 75 of Takeover

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"Yeah, Gwen.”

“I love you.You know that, right?"

"Always and forever."Then she disappeared into the crowd.

I took a fortifying breath to steady the flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

Okay, then.I was going to become Mrs.Atticus Price.I'd asked Atticus if he thought his mother should come, but he said no.Besides, his father was more than likely to make an appearance tonight.And if he did, it was going to get ugly.

The door swung open again, and I laughed."What did you forget, Morgan?"

But it wasn't my sister.It was a willowy woman, her skin like porcelain.Her hair was pale like a Nordic goddess, and her eyes were a startling blue, standing out in relief against the paleness of her skin and the fairness of her blond hair.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were my sister."

"You're Gwenyth, aren't you?"

"Yeah, do we know each other?"

"No, I'm Lucy.Hello."

I shook Lucy's outstretched hand and attempted to place where I'd seen her before."I'm sorry, but I don't think we've met.Did Atticus invite you?"

Lucy's expression froze for a moment before she grinned."I'm sorry, it's just that Atticus has spoken so much about you, I feel like I know you already."

My heart started racing at the sound of his name on her voice."Oh, I see.Well, it's nice to meet you."

"You too.Atticus is wonderful, isn't he?"

The way she said his name made my stomach turn."Yes, he is."

"We used to be very close."

My stomach turned.I knew what she was saying."I'm sorry, but Atticus never mentioned you."

Lucy's smile didn't falter."Of course, he wouldn't.But it doesn't matter.I'm happy for him, truly.And for you, Gwen.You're a lucky woman."

I forced a smile."Yes, I am."

Lucy's eyes locked onto mine, and I felt a chill run down my spine."But just remember, Gwen.Sometimes the past can come back to haunt you in unexpected ways.I know it seems like it'll work, but it's not real.Men like him don't stay with mediocre.They like to elevate.So you have to ask yourselfwhyhe's chosen you."

Before I could respond, Lucy had turned and walked out of the room.

I couldn't breathe.My heart was beating a staccato pattern against my ribs.

It's not true.It's not true.He's chosen you.Because he needs you.

God I needed air.I tripped out of the bathroom.If I could just make it to the outside, I could breathe.

As I stepped out onto the balcony, I gasped for air, leaning against the railing for support.The cool night air felt like a balm washing over me and clearing my head.I tried to push Lucy's words out of my mind, but they lingered like a bad dream.

Why had Atticus chosen me?He told me he’d always made the deal forme, not for my sister, but I’d learned not to trust men.Especially men who wanted to make deals with my father.I shook my head, trying to dispel the doubts.

I heard the balcony door open behind me, and I turned to see Atticus standing there, a concerned look on his face."Gwen, are you okay?I've been looking for you."

I tried to smile, but it felt like a grimace."I'm fine.Just needed some air."

Atticus stepped closer, his hand reaching out to touch my arm."Is something wrong?Did something happen?"
