Page 89 of Takeover

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I was pulling out all the stops for her.I had a full night planned for us.But I also wanted to make sure she wouldn't be too tired.She'd been working non-stop, still burning the candle at both ends, but she'd made a concerted effort to be home on time for our date.I’d had a full day myself, but for her, I just got up and walked out on my last meeting.Micah had just looked amused.Normally, he'd have been freaking out.

Andre sent a platter of dishes, most of which I didn't even know what they were.And of course, he served his delicious mojitos.The delight on her face when she took a sip unfortunately had me thinking about her mouth wrapped around my cock.

She was happy.That was all that mattered.

"How do you know Andre?"

"Oh, him?Tales of a misspent youth."

"No, I'm serious."

"College.He went to Yale with me.His mother was hell bent and determined that he'd go to Yale, but after graduation, he was just as determined to come back and run the family business.We’ve just gotten closer over the years.It seems I couldn't shake him."

"I'm sure you tried."

"Maybe.I'm not used to making a lot of friends.But Andre stuck.When he was looking for investors for Cubana Havana, I threw money at him before he dared look elsewhere."

"So, you're an investor?"

“Yeah.He’s already bought it back from me, but I keep a small one percent share just so I can say I'm one of the cool kids."

She watched me as she took another sip of her drink."You look so relaxed."

"I am relaxed."

"Well, I mean in a way I have never seen you before.You're always so controlled."

"Not always," I said with a wink.

My mind offered up the oh-so-unhelpful memory of the two of us in her office.Of course, I was reminded of just what I'd done with that cake.

I cleared my head and shook it."You make me lose control.Every time.I usually don't know what to do about it."

"I don't think there's anything you can do about it."

"Who are you, Gwen?"

"I'm just a girl, sitting in front of a boy, asking him to love her."

That little word.I was choking on it.And her eyes went wide."Oh my God, you should see your face.I'm not asking you to love me.I'm just quotingNotting Hill.You know, the movie,” she murmured.

"I have seen the movie."

"Oh, thank God.Because I'm not?—"

I reached across the table and took her hand."Oh, for fuck's sake, Gwen, be quiet.I'm going to kiss you now.Regardless of whether or not you're asking me to love you, I'm halfway there already."

Her hands were shaking.As was her smile."I think I might have a little crush on you, too."

I took her face in my hands and pulled her closer.Our lips barely touching."I think I know how that feels."

"You're not going to break my heart, are you?"she asked hesitantly.

I shook my head."No, never."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I'm not just halfway there.I'm all the way there.I think I fell in love with you when you glitter-bombed me."
