Page 90 of Takeover

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I watched her eyes close as my lips touched hers again.And I didn't think I'd ever stop kissing her, but I needed to do this before I lost my nerve.

I broke our kiss and lowered myself to one knee."I figure I should do this properly."

She was staring at me in disbelief."Atticus?"

"Gwen, I’m falling for you.Being with you feels more real to me than anything I’ve ever done.Iwantthis to be a real marriage.Will you marry me?"

She smiled and nodded and then started to cry."Yes, I'll marry you, Atticus.I’ll marry you for real.Not because of a contract or a deal.Because of you."

I stood up and kissed her, and then I whispered in her ear, "I will do everything in my power to make you happy."

As the smile spread over her lips, I knew I had found my home.



When wasthe last time I’d been able to do a margarita night?Things had been so crazy for so long, and I hadn't really wanted to go out or hang out.But being able to do margarita night with Morgan and Lance, I felt like I was finding myself again.

My ring glinted under the lights and there was no way I could hold the smile back.A few weeks ago, my father forced my hand, and now I was dopily in love.The warmth spread in my chest just thinking about him on one knee.

A part of me kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I was too damned elated to care.And knowing he’d had this ring made for me banished my worries.He’d made it to match me.He’d been paying attention to me.Of all the people in my life,hesaw me.

Atticus had even kissed me goodbye and told me to have fun.He hadn't given me any of his usual 'Where are you going?Who are you going with?'questions.He just told me to gohave a good time.Granted, I was only going back to my old apartment.When I let myself in, the doorman smiled at me, but I didn't recognize him.He must have been new.Considering I had a key fob, he had no reason to stop me.He just called out a bland, “Good evening, miss,” and I didn't ask for his name because… Well, while I still had a place there, I didn't live there anymore.I'd have to eventually figure out what I was going to do with it.I certainly wasn't going to sell it.That was insane.I could rent it or keep it, just in case.

Just in case, what?

Ugh, why was I like this?

I let myself in to find Morgan and Lance already at it.

"For the love of God, Lance, that is not how you do it."

"I never had any complaints before.Wales women like it like that."

"Well, I'm not a Wales woman.Jesus Christ, move over.You're just doing too much.Use less."

"I'm not using less.Wales women want me to use more."

I snorted a laugh as I walked in on the two of them fighting over the tequila bottle.

"Honestly, from the door it sounded like you two were fighting about how much dick Lance was going to use."

Lance looked stricken.Morgan gagged.I just rolled my eyes.

One of these days, if I could just get them to stop fighting long enough, they might actually realize that they were a good match, but it was very unlikely.They were more likely to murder each other.Mutually assured destruction.

"Somebody margarita me.It has been way too long."

Lance handed me my margarita, no salt on the rim.

Morgan took hers, which was fuller than mine."Hey, are you drinking?"I asked.

"Oh relax, it's virgin."

"Honey, you're in college.I doubt that's virgin."

"Well, I have to go and study tonight, so itisvirgin."
