Page 92 of Takeover

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He swallowed hard."Actually, I asked him for it."

I rocked back on my heels."You what?"

"It's a great opportunity, Gwen.I'll be a VP in Technology.It'll be just like R&D but with my own projects.Things I'm curious about."

"But why?Did you feel like I wasn't allowing you to spread your wings?I have always encouraged you to take on new projects."

"I know you have.And you've been the greatest boss, and partner, and best friend I could ever ask for.I wish I could have done more for you.I wish I could have saved you from all of this."

I shook my head."Is that why you're leaving?Because you couldn't save me?Did you have twenty mil sitting around?"

He winced."You know what I mean."

"Look, it's been a harrowing month or so.And you know, this isn’t what we expected, but it didn't turn out half bad.I can't believe you're running away."

"I'm not running.I just need a fresh start.You don't need me anymore.It'll be nice to do something different."

"Fucking hell, Lance.You're serious about this."

"Yeah, I am."

I chugged the rest of my margarita and put the glass down."I feel like you're not telling me something."

He shook his head."I'm not hiding anything.I just need some separation.That's it.And I need a new opportunity.I'm excited.It's London, for the love of God."

"It is London.I just didn't know you were really interested in going away."

"I am.You can visit me anytime of course."

"Yeah, of course.I mean, it'll be kind of a pain in the ass for you to come back for the wedding though."

His gaze shifted from mine."Yeah, about that.I won't be coming back."

And that's when a thought sliced through my heart."What?"

"Come on, you’ve got Morgan and Macy,” he said.“You don't even need me."

"Fuck that, I want you.You are my best friend.So, what?I'll just get married without my best friend?"

He squeezed his eyes shut and then let out a long breath."I'm sorry."

I didn't even realize the tears had welled until they started to spill."I'm happy for you, Lance.Honestly, I am.If this is what you want, then this is what I want for you.But it's just so rushed.And you didn't tell me.And?—"

Morgan opened the screen door."Oh my God, you two, if you just…" She took one look at my face and scowled at Lance."For fuck's sake, what did you say to her?”

I frowned at her."What?Morgan, no.Lance is moving to London tomorrow."

Her brows lifted."What?You're running away?"

I was happy I wasn't the only one who thought that.Lance just rolled his eyes."Oh my God.No, I'm not running away.I got this fucking job at Pendragon, for the love of Christ.It's a good opportunity, so I'm taking it."

“And he’s not coming to the wedding,” I ask.

He shook his head sadly.

Morgan, ever ready to slander him, pursed her lips."Well, at least I don't have to see your ugly face anymore."

Lance gave her the kind of smirk Atticus sometimes gave me.The one that said he knew how pretty he was."And you remain as beautiful and poisonous as ever."
