Page 91 of Takeover

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I groaned."Noooo, Morgan.This is supposed to be a night off.Now I'm going to want to hover over you and ride you about how you should be studying."

"Relax, I've been studying the whole week.I'm just taking part of the night off.I'll go back and do a little bit more light reading.But tequila is not conducive to reading.And you both have to work tomorrow, which Lance was apparently forgetting, because he was just pouring the whole bottle of tequila into his mouth."

I laughed."Well, Lance will feel it just as much as I do in that case."

He winced at that and then took his glass."All right, let's head out onto the balcony.I want to talk to you about something."

I sighed.For the last two days, I had known something was up with him.But he hadn't said a word.I just assumed it had been the whole move thing, being a part of Pendragon, and my impending marriage.

I knew I was going to have to do something about the fact that Lance didn't approve of Atticus and was worried about me.

It's more than that and you know it.

I didn't want to think about it.Our friendship had always been so easy.So simple.He was the one person other than my sister I could share everything with.And there was never any pressure.He’d never been myboyfriend.When Michael and I broke up, Lance had a girlfriend, and when they broke up a year later, we were fully entrenched in our,we are best friendsvibes.More and more lately, I was feeling a shift in our connection.I hadn't thought much about it.I just thought we were evolving, and he was worried, especially after the Bronson thing.He saw himself as my protector, which I appreciated.And I knew that he needed me to need him.Which I couldn't do just to make him happy anymore.

Out on the balcony, I turned on the patio heaters and we shivered as we waited for them to warm up.Morgan groaned."Really?The balcony?It's freezing.Why don't we just drink inside like normal people?"

Lance cut my sister a glance."I didn't invite you out here."

Morgan rolled her eyes."You know what?I forgot you have a ball sack.I'll be inside."

I frowned at him."What's with you?Sure, you and Morgan snipe at each other, but you're never mean."

"She's mean to me all the time."

I rolled my eyes."Okay, what is going on with you, Lance?"I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered as we stood under the warming light."You’ve been acting odd ever since we moved to Pendragon a couple days ago.I know it's an adjustment, but come on."

He winced."There's something I need to talk to you about that I've been holding back on because I didn't know how to tell you, and now I'm out of time."

"Whatever it is, you can tell me.Are you in trouble?"

He shook his head."No.I just—" He swallowed hard."I'm leaving for London tomorrow."

I blinked at him."You have a vacation coming?Fuck, how did I miss that?I'm so sorry.Obviously, I assume you have your work covered.I know things are in transition with Pendragon, but anything you need, I'll cover.Why didn't you remind me?I've had my head kind of buried up my ass lately."

His expression softened."Only you would think that somehow you forgot.And let me remind you, you were busy saving all of us.And it's why I love you the most."

"Well, I love you too.But I should not have my head buried up my ass.Hopefully now things will ease up a little bit.I mean, the whole move is going to be in adjustment, but if things calm down, I can be more present for you instead of you constantly running after me trying to save me from myself."

He chuckled softly."You always say you never need any saving."

"And I don't," I mumbled.

"Well, you did this time, and Price managed to do it."

A warmth started in my chest and as it spread, I tried to bite back the smile.“He has been instrumental in making our lives a little easier.”

Lance nodded."Right.What I'm saying is I'm going to London tomorrow to start a job at Pendragon Tech's London office."

I blinked.And when that didn't work to bring my life into focus, I blinked again."What?"

"Yeah, I took the job a couple of days ago, and it's been a whirlwind trying to get everything ready.Luckily, there's housing and everything.So I leave tomorrow, but I didn't know how to tell you.I knew I had to, so I figured I'd do it tonight, and here we are."

"You're going to London?You're moving?You're my right hand for the love of fuck."

"You're adorable when you swear."

My brow furrowed."Don't you patronize me.You knew two days ago.My husband offered you a job?"
