Page 105 of Haunted Love

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A stupid grin tears across my face, and I roll my eyes before grabbing my bag and reaching for the door handle. By the time I get out and am standing in front of his Escalade, he’s right there with me, his hand pressed to my lower back as he leads me toward the main entrance of the apartment complex.

It’s a quick walk up to my apartment, and the second we get inside, Izaac storms right into my bedroom closet, grabbing handfuls of clothes and tossing them onto my bed, and all I can do is watch.

This really is going to be a disaster. But I can’t wait.

Living with Izaac has been something I’ve dreamed about for years, but it was always so unachievable, and honestly, I don’t even really understand how we got here. It’s all happening so quickly, but I’m here for the ride. If he’s ready to finally see what’s been in front of his face all this time, then who the hell am I to keep him from that?

I lean against the doorframe of my bedroom, a slow smile spreading across my face.

Izaac Banks is in love with me.

God, I’ve known it for weeks, but it’s so surreal.

As if realizing he’s emptying my closet all alone, he looks back at me, watching the way I stare at him, and I see the need to tell me off flashing in his eyes, only it’s gone a moment later. He steps away from the closet, his gaze locked on me, and as he stalks toward me, a thrill pulses through my veins.

Izaac moves right in front of me, lifting his hand and brushing his fingers down the side of my face, his gaze darkening as he holds my stare. His fingers trail down to my chin before lifting, and not a moment later, his lips are on mine. He kisses me deeply, his hand falling to my waist and pulling me in tighter against him.

Our kiss is brief and lasts only a moment, but God, it’s everything. He pulls back just an inch before dropping his forehead against mine. “Do you have any fucking idea what you’re doing to me?”

A smile pulls at my lips, and just as I go to melt back into him, a knock sounds at my door. My brows furrow, and I hold Izaac’s stare. “You expecting anyone?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No. It’s probably just Becs coming to check on me after everything that went down last night.”

He nods and pushes away from me before striding to the door, not bothering to look through the peephole before grabbing the handle and pulling it open.

“Oh great. You’re here,” Austin’s voice rings through my small apartment.

Unease pounds through my veins as I keep my distance. I know Austin was at Vixen last night, but I was in too much shock to even remember if he said anything or not. All I know is that the last time I spoke to him, he left me sobbing on the floor of his living room with my heart in pieces, and I’m not going to lie, I’m not exactly looking for a repeat performance.

Izaac moves out of the way as Austin strides into my home, his cautious gaze coming to mine. “What are you doing here?” I ask, barely able to hold his stare as Izaac closes the door behind him and lingers in my living room.

“I came to talk,” he mutters, looking just as uncomfortable as I feel.

I bite the inside of my cheek, already feeling myself beginning to break. I don’t know if I can do this right now. The nasty words he said are still too fresh in my mind. Every part of me hurts every time I think about how our relationship has fallen apart over the past few weeks. I don’t know if I can take any more of it.

Austin slowly creeps toward me, and I shake my head. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

“I know,” he says, nodding his head. “After the way I’ve treated you, I didn’t expect you to say anything, but there’s a lot I need to say to you.”

I hold his stare, waiting for him to get on with it when he awkwardly shifts his gaze to Izaac and arches a brow. “You mind?” he asks, very unsubtly requesting he get lost.

Izaac just grins and flops down on my couch, his arms spread out as though he’s as comfortable as ever. “Not at all,” he says, nodding toward me. “Go right ahead.”

Austin shoots a glare at his best friend. “Really? You’re gonna be like that?”

“Someone’s gotta make sure you keep your bullshit to yourself,” Izaac throws back at him.

Austin rolls his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh, knowing Izaac well enough to know there’s no point arguing this. If he says he’s staying, then he’s staying. End of story.

I keep my arms crossed over my chest, terrified of how this is going to go down, and when Austin moves right into me and pulls me into a tight hug, it’s the last thing I expect. I pause for a moment, needing a second to process what’s happening before I shove him off me, only he’s holding too tight and clearly doesn’t plan to let go any time soon. “You know I love you, right?” he murmurs, the words like a knife right through my chest.

“You don’t treat the people you love like that, Austin.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” he says. “I really fucked up.”

“Ya think?” I grunt, blatantly refusing to hug him back.

Letting out a sigh, he finally releases me and takes a hesitant step back, his green eyes locked on mine, and the sincerity within them has me wanting to crumble. “You’re my little sister, and all I’ve ever wanted was to look out for you and make sure you had the best of everything. The best schools, the best friends, the best opportunities, but when it came to Izaac . . . I was selfish. I wasn’t thinking about what you wanted, and I couldn’t see anything past my own hurt. I fucked up, Aspen. I said things to you that I’ll never be able to make up for, and the way I acted . . . I should have been there for you and given you a chance to explain what was going on. Instead, I was blinded by rage.”
