Page 58 of Haunted Love

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He rotates his fingers inside of me, and my walls tremble around him as my eyes flutter closed. It’s so fucking good, even more so when he stretches another finger to my clit and rubs lazy circles. “Good girl,” he says. “Boots. Off. Now.”

Realizing the zipper hasn’t moved an inch, I get to work, slowly drawing it all the way down until I can slip out of the knee-high boot before moving on to the other, and when they’re finally gone, that thick tone sails through the room once again. “Take your ankles, Little Bird. Don’t let go.”

I swallow hard, and just as I curl my hands around my ankles, his fingers are replaced by something cool. My back stiffens, and as he pushes it inside me, I realize it’s some kind of metal ball. I gasp as the heavy ball rests inside me, quickly followed by a second. They slowly move, massaging deep inside of me, and everything clenches. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no stranger to sex toys, but this? Oh yeah, I’m definitely a stranger to this, but I plan to get well acquainted.

“That okay?” he asks.

All I can do is swallow hard and nod.

“Don’t move, Birdy.”

I feel as he shifts behind me, and before I even know what he’s doing, he’s on his knees, and just as his warm mouth closes over my clit, the balls begin vibrating inside of me. “Oh, holy fuck,” I gasp, sucking in a deep breath, my knees buckling beneath me.

I feel Izaac’s wicked grin against my core, but as my whole body begins to tremble, I can’t even call him out on it. It’s intense and so fucking good. And as those balls move inside of me, I swear I see stars.

My breath comes in uneven, deep pants, and as his tongue flicks over my clit, I feel that familiar tightening deep in my core. “Fuck, Izaac,” I groan, my nails digging into my ankles as I squirm beneath his hold.

I can’t take it. It’s too much. Too intense, but damn it, I’m gonna see it through.

He works my clit better than I ever could with my fingers. Sucking, flicking, teasing until I’m practically riding his gorgeous face, all while the vibrating balls send me into a whole new dimension. “Oh, shit. I’m gonna—”

I can’t get the words out before I explode, my orgasm booming through me like a fucking rocket, overwhelming my system and taking me higher than ever before. Whatever is controlling the vibration of the balls doesn’t let up, nor does Izaac’s tongue, and as my walls shatter around the balls, my orgasm intensifies.

My knees start to buckle, sheer will being the only thing keeping me up at this point, and as my orgasm pulses through my body, everything clenches. My walls begin to spasm, unable to handle the intensity for even a second longer, and as if sensing my limit, Izaac eases up and the vibration slowly fades, but he doesn’t dare shut it off completely.

I collapse.

Izaac catches me before I hit the ground and gently lowers me until I’m sprawled on the cool floor, unable to catch my breath. “Holy fucking shit,” I breathe. “I need to get me some of these balls.”

Izaac grins. “On your knees, Aspen,” he says, getting to his feet. “You think you’re done just because you came? That was barely a warm-up.”

Well, shit.

Unable to move, especially with the balls still inside of me, all I can do is sit up and lean back onto my hands, watching as he reaches over his shoulder and grips his shirt, pulling it over his head, and in the dim lighting, he looks like a fucking god—a Greek god just as he’s always joked.

That dark gaze swings back toward me. “I thought I told you to get on your knees,” he questions before holding up some kind of controller. He presses a button and the balls buzz to life with such intensity, it’s as though Izaac had physically hotwired the fuckers and sent a million volts of electricity shooting through me.

“OH FUCK!” I gasp, my eyes widening with a strange mix of shock and pleasure.

“Don’t make me ask again.”

“Alright, alright,” I say, scrambling to get to my knees while the balls circle each other, massaging my too-sensitive walls. The movement has my hips jolting, and I have to take slow, deep breaths to try and bring my body back down to earth. But as I see Izaac stride toward me with his hand at the button of his jeans, suddenly nothing else matters.

Am I about to do what I think I’m about to do? The very thing that I’ve dreamed about since the moment I learned what it was?

He slowly releases the button of his jeans, opening the top just enough to slip his hand inside. My mouth waters, following the movement as he fists that massive cock, slowly working up and down. “You’re gonna take me in your mouth, Aspen. And you’re not going to stop until I’ve emptied myself inside your sweet mouth. Is that understood?”

I swallow hard and nod, unable to find a single word worth saying out loud.

With that, Izaac pushes his jeans down over his hips and past his strong thighs before the rest of the denim drops to the ground. I don’t even notice how he gets rid of them. My attention remains solely focused on the way he grips his thick cock, his big hand barely able to fit around himself as the shine of his piercing catches in the dim light.

I’d never thought I’d see him like this, let alone looking at me like that at the same time. It’s the beginning of every sex dream I’ve ever had, and damn it, those dreams are going to be a tough act to follow, but judging by my first night in this very room, Izaac has absolutely nothing to worry about.

He strides toward me, and with every step, his stare seems to get darker. His fist slowly moves up and down his thick cock, and I start to panic about how the hell I’m supposed to take all of that in my mouth without literally dying. But hell, if anyone is up for the challenge, it’s me.

Izaac moves right in front of me, and with his free hand, he grips the bottom of my chin, gently lifting as his gaze sails across my face. “So fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, inhaling deeply. “You smell that, Birdy? That’s the sweet scent of your arousal. You’re dripping, aren’t you?”

My tongue darts out across my bottom lip as I silently nod.
