Page 34 of Crashed

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She stopped in the middle of the hallway and raised her hand sharply. “Don’t. Don’t borrow sorrow from tomorrow. We don’t know anything yet. I’m fine. You’re fine. Omar’s gonna watch me like a hawk. I’m more concerned about your safety, to be honest.”

Ryan shook his head. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Well, I am worried about you.”

Trent, Olivia, and Andrews rolled by and shouted goodnight.

Ryan waited until they’d left the building to lift Leilah’s chin and look into her eyes. “I promise you, nothing’s going to happen to me. And I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Fire sparked in her eyes. “AndIwon’t let anything happen toyou.”

She rose on her toes, and he bent his head to meet her.

Lost in the kiss, they didn’t hear Omar approaching from the canteen. He gagged. “Ugh, is this going to be a thing now?”

They pulled apart guiltily, to find him grinning at them.

“You’re a jerk,” Leilah told him.

“Love you, too, sis. If your butt isn’t in the passenger seat in two minutes, I’m leaving you here.”

“Oh, no, you’re not driving. Give me the keys.”

She lunged for the key fob dangling from his hand, and he held it out of her reach.

As Ryan left the building with the squabbling Khan siblings, the tightness in his chest eased. Olivia was right. Until they knew what was on the drive, it was premature to worry. Or, as Leilah said, to borrow sorrow. He smiled and inhaled the crisp night air. It was chilly, verging on cold.

Leilah gave him a peck on the cheek. “Will I see you tomorrow?”

He pulled her close and placed his mouth near her ear. “Tomorrow and every day after that,” he promised.

She beamed at him and gave him another quick kiss. Omar, who’d managed to keep possession of the keys, laid on the horn from inside the SUV.

“I’d better go.”

“Good night, Sparky.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Good night, oldster.”

She ran to the Suburban and climbed in. Omar waved goodbye, and Ryan stood in front of the building and watched them drive away. Once their taillights vanished, he turned back to confirm that the entrance was locked and the alarm was set.

Then he strolled across the lot to his vehicle.I’ll have to take Leilah on a proper date,he mused as he dug out his remote starter. He hit the button to start the engine and turn on the heat, then picked up his pace and jogged toward the car.

When he was fifty yards away, a fiery ball of light flashed in the sky, followed immediately by thewhooshof the explosion and the crash of metal and glass hitting the pavement as his car blew apart. He dove into a crouch and covered his head with his arms to ward off the burning shrapnel that rained down on him as his heart threatened to explode in his chest.

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