Page 101 of Devious Deals

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I’m leaving my hair down. My make-up is going to be light. And I don’t care that I have nothing old, new, borrowed, or blue. Basically, I’m doing the opposite of how I imagined my dream wedding. Seb nods, closing the door when he’s gone.

The dress is pretty, but, again, it’s not something I would’ve picked on my own. It’s tight and clings to all of my curves, reminding me of the dress Max Erics made me wear. Of course, this dress isn’t as trashy as the dress Max picked out. That’s how the Greystoke family works, or Clayton, at least. They look like high-ranking members of society at first glance, but it’s all a lie. Just like this dress. Just like this wedding.

I tug it from the hanger and toss it on the bed. Padding to the bathroom, I run a brush through my hair. I’m reminded of a silly moment from my youth when my sisters and I brushed our hair with forks, making our mother laugh.

“Oh, Mom. How I wish you were still here,” I murmur to myself.

Reaching for my make-up bag, I put on some foundation, blush, and lip gloss. I don’t bother with mascara. Not when I’m only going to cry it off later. In my room, I slip on the dress, being careful not to get any make-up on it. Turning, I face the mirror. My stomach churns as I stare back at myself.

This is it.

I’m really going to do this.

A knock on the door startles me.

“Ari? Are you ready?”

I turn to face Seb. “No.”

He enters the room, pulling me in for a hug.

“I’m so sorry, babe.”

“Don’t be. I’m the one who signed a contract.” I let out a laugh. “Speaking of, is Kieran here?”

Seb shakes his head. Of course he’s not here. Why would he be?

But I ask, “Is he going to be at the ceremony?”

“I don’t know, Ari. I would like to think so, but…” His voice trails off.

“It might be better this way.” I mean that part. Seeing Kieran today would be too much. “I guess I’m ready.”

“You’ve got this.”

The ceremony will start at eleven. John wanted everything to be finished in time for him to take his afternoon nap and after seeing him the other day, I don’t want to do anything to hinder his routine. Seb holds my hand as we leave the room. I don’t look back. Not even once. What good will it do? I’ve already been told that my things will be packed up and sent to my new house.

Outside, a stretch limo awaits. I snort.

“Whose idea was this?”

“I believe Mr. Greystoke.”

That makes more sense than Kieran doing this. It’s more of John’s style. I slide in, not caring that my dress is getting wrinkled. Seb sits next to me, and we take off.

“I’m scared,” I admit, looking out the window.

“Don’t be scared, Ari. I know this is cliché, but things will work out.”

“I hope you’re right.” I pause. “Will I see you again after the ceremony?”

He nods. “You can count on it.”

“Okay. Good.” I let out a small laugh. “I don’t know if I’m going to be allowed to have a cell phone when I move in with John, but if I do, can I reach you at Kieran’s main number?”

The only one I know by heart…

