Page 102 of Devious Deals

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I exhale. I can do this.

The ride to the Greystoke mansion takes far less time than I wish it would. The limo is the only vehicle in sight, making me snort. What did I expect? This isn’t a real wedding, so it’s not like we’re going to ask our friends to come. My mind goes to Winter. I shouldn’t have been so harsh to her when I saw her. Maybe once I’m married, I can reach out to her. God knows I could use the friendship.

Seb opens his door and helps me out. The front door opens and a man in a suit bows at the waist.

“Hello, Ms. Triton. I’m Kerchak. Let me show you to the room Mr. Greystoke has prepared for you.” To Sebastian he says, “You may wait here.”

“I’d like him to come with me. Please.”

Kerchak frowns, but motions for Seb to follow us. We’re led to a room on the first floor.

“The ceremony starts in thirty minutes. Is there anything I can get for you?”


Seb clears his throat. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Ari?”

I sigh. He’s right.

“Water is fine, please.”

Kerchak nods, leaving us. I move into the room, looking around. This is…not what I expected.

“It looks like a nun’s room,” Seb says, running his hand over the brown bedspread. “Or maybe even a closet.”

“Maybe this is just where I’m meant to freshen up at?” When Kerchak returns, I ask, “Do you know if this is where I’ll be staying?”

“Yes. The younger Mr. Greystoke said you would prefer a simple room.”

Well, that explains everything, then. Clayton’s way of punishing me yet again.

“Thank you.”

Kerchak nods, leaving us.

Seb shakes his head. “What an insult.”

“It’s better than the room I had at Max Erics’ house. Besides, maybe I can speak to John.”

Seb looks around and says, “Look at this book. How interesting.”

He points at a table near a window, to a stack of books. His sudden mood shift confuses me. What’s going on? Sighing, he takes my hand, leading me to the spot, and pulls out his phone.

There’s a camera in here, so don’t act odd. I can’t say much but promise me you won’t eat or drink anything today.

I say, “Oh, I’ve been meaning to read this one.”

Reaching for one book, I carry it back to the bed, sitting. My hands shake as I open it. Why doesn’t he want me to eat or drink anything? My mind goes back to John. Does Seb suspect John is being poisoned, too?

Seb says, “How kind of the Greystokes to have it here for you?”

“Yes. Yes, so kind.”

I meet his gaze, letting him know I understand. I won’t eat or drink anything.

Twenty-nine minutes later, Kerchak returns.

“Mr. Greystoke is waiting in the garden. Please follow me.”
