Page 103 of Devious Deals

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I assumed we’d be getting married inside, so this is a pleasant surprise. Seb reaches for my hand, giving it a quick squeeze before walking ahead of me. We’re led outside, where John, Clayton, and a man who I assume to be the pastor stand. The odd thing is that behind them, I spot several men patrolling the grounds. What on earth are they expecting to happen?

John stands and Clayton moves the wheelchair out of the way. I hurry to his side, giving him my arm for support.

He smiles weakly. “Thank you, my girl. Today has already taken a lot out of me.”

“Then let us do this so you can go inside and rest.”

Clayton clears his throat. “Father, I thought we agreed that only family would be here today?”

John waves his hand. “Sebastian is fine. Now, let’s get this ceremony started.”

Clayton asks, “Was he patted down when he got here?”

“Leave it alone, son.”

“Father, I think he should leave.”

Seb says, “I don’t mind waiting inside. I don’t want to cause any strife.”

My stomach drops. I don’t want him to leave, but he’s already walking away.

I turn to face the pastor, inhaling deeply. I can do this.

The pastor clears his throat. “Let us begin. We are gathered here to witness the matrimony between John and Ariel. Marriage is a solemn affair and must not be entered lightly.”

The urge to laugh bubbles up my throat and I look down, willing myself to stay quiet. Oh my good god. He sounds just like the clergyman inThe Princess Bride. My lips twitch and I dig my nails into my palm until the urge to laugh passes. If he says marriage one more time, it’s over…

“No other vow is more important than the ones you are about to pledge to each other. Marriage is the greatest gift you can give to one another.”

I make a sound somewhere between a snort and a sob. John must think I’m just overcome with emotion because he reaches out, taking my hand into his.

The pastor continues, “Do you, John, take Ariel to be your lawful wedded wife as long as you both shall live?”

John says, “I do.”

“And do you, Ariel, take John to be your lawful wedded husband, as long as you both shall live?”

My heart pounds and I feel dizzy. My throat is dry, and I have to swallow twice before I can speak.

“I do.”



“By the power vested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you man and wife.”

John smiles at me, giving my hand a small squeeze. I smile back at him as something wet sprays across my face. A hole appears right between his eyes, and he groans, falling against me. My mind is slow to catch up. Someone screams and it takes me a moment to realize that the sound is coming from my lips. Clayton steps forward, his pistol in hand. He backhands me with his free hand, which ironically snaps me out of the stupor I’m in.

“You killed him! You killed your own father.”

“I did,” he agrees. “Now get over here so we can get married.”

I shake my head, taking a step back. “No.”

His eyes flash with malice and he aims the gun right at my head.

“You’ll find there are a lot of ways to hurt a person without outright killing them. I suggest you rethink this, and don’t make me tell you again.”
