Page 106 of Devious Deals

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My lips part. “My mother?”


“Wait. You knew my mother?”

Not only that, but he said he loved her. Kieran was in love with my mother. My father’s words dance through my mind. He said he took something from Kieran.

I shake my head. “Please tell me you didn’t agree to help me just to get revenge on my father.”

“Ari, it’s complicated, but I can explain. We were young, dumb, and in love. We had no cares in the world. Not until we found out that Minerva was pregnant.” He looks off, as if he’s remembering. “She was distraught. She knew her parents were going to be angry. They expected great things out of her, and a baby while she was in high school went against everything they stood for.”

I never knew my grandparents on my mother’s side, but what he’s saying matches how my mom used to speak about them.

“Around the same time she found out she was pregnant, I caught wind that another boy was hanging around her. He was older, already in college, but it was something her parents were pushing. When I asked her about it, she swore it was nothing.” He scoffs. “I should have known better.”

“Was it my father?”

He nods. “Their parents thought they’d be a good match. Little did I know that Sabrina herself had a hand in matching them. She also ensured that Minerva lost the baby she carried.”

“Oh, Kieran. I’m so sorry.”

“To say I was devastated doesn’t begin to cover it. I left the city for a while. I finished my studies abroad before I went on to college. I kept tabs on Minerva, but stopped when she had her first child with Alex. She had your eldest sister a year to the day after losing my child.”

“I’m sorry that happened, but why were you going to punish me for my father’s mistakes?”

“Because I was a fool who was so caught up in the past that he didn’t realize what was right in front of him.” His gaze searches mine. “When you came to me, I was so fucking happy. I was going to hurt Alex Triton the same way he hurt me.”

My chest tightens. “How were you going to hurt him in the same way?”

“I was going to take someone he loved and ruin them by making them have a child they didn’t want.”

“You don’t know that my mother didn’t want to have children with my father.”

“I do know it, Ari. She told me. We met up once, before she had Attina.”

I feel sick as the rest of his words sink in. “How were you going to make me have a child I didn’t want? You knew I was on the pill.”

He’s silent, and I shake my head.

“No. You wouldn’t do something so…”

“Devious? I would, and I did. And it worked.”


“You’re pregnant. With my child.”

Suddenly, it all makes sense. The unprotected sex. The nausea. The tenderness in my breasts. Tears stream down my face and I don’t bother to wipe them.

“What was your plan going to be after I had the child? Huh? Tell me!”

“I was going to take the child. You and your father would never get to see it.”

“How can you be so cruel? Did John Greystoke know? Was he in on it, too?”

“Greystoke had no idea. I…”

“You what?”
