Page 109 of Devious Deals

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“I thought I did.” I stand, needing to move. “He lied to me, Drina.”

She stands, too. “That’s true, but it also sounds like he owned up to his mistakes.”

“Whose side are you on?”

“Yours, sister, but I don’t want you to make a mistake.”

“I don’t know what I want at this point. I’m just so tired.”

“Then you’ll rest. And once you’re ready to think about Kieran, you will.”

“That easy, huh?”

She smiles. “Yes.”

Ayla and Arista join us.

Ayla asks, “Is everything okay?”

“No. But it will be.” I inhale. “Can we find somewhere quiet to talk? There’s something I need to tell the three of you. It’s about Dad.”

* * *

***One week later***

My eyes water as Attina, Alana, and Aquata rush toward me in the hotel's lobby. Even though I knew they were coming, it’s still a shock to see them in person after all this time. We hug, crying and talking at the same time.

“I still can’t believe you’re here. What made the three of you want to visit at the same time?”

Attina answers, “We heard you could use some sisterly advice.”

“Did Drina call you?”

My older sisters exchange a look.

Alana says, “It wasn’t Drina who called. It was Kieran Van der Zee.”

My stomach dips at the mention of his name.

“Of course it was.”

Alana smiles. “Let us get settled and then you can tell us all about it.”

An hour later, I’m sitting in my hotel suite with six of my sisters. Adella, who is too far along in her pregnancy to travel, is video chatting with us.

She says, “As soon as I have this baby, I’m demanding that we all get together and have a proper visit.”

Aquata nods. “I want that, too. I’d like to visit Father’s grave.”

There’s a moment of silence. We each had issues with our dad, but he was still our dad.

Attina says, “I want to do that, too. And I want our kids to meet. They should know their cousins.”

My hand goes to my stomach unconsciously. I want our kids to know each other, too. They deserve a big family full of love.

Alana grins. “Our husbands will not know what to think when we’re all together.”

Andrina asks, “Does that mean you and Lazarus are getting along?”
