Page 13 of Devious Deals

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I think I’ve always known my dad might die. He’s been playing the game too hard and reaching too far. Eventually, that’s going to catch up to him.

I wipe at my eyes. “You said after the year is up, you’ll find someone for me to marry. Will you be able to ensure he’s a good man?”

“Does it matter as long as he’s not Erics?”

I look right at the camera. “Yes, it matters. I’m not going from one monster to another.”

“Oh, pet, you already have.” He chuckles. “The only thing I’m going to ensure is that the man I choose will be close to his deathbed. You will be free after he dies. And wealthy.”

I want to tell him that none of that matters, but I’ll only be wasting my breath because he’s a man, so he’ll never understand my plight.

“Any more questions?”

“Yes. Why not just marry me off now?”

“Because I have a reputation to uphold.”

So he heard what I said to Sebastian? I want to defend myself but can’t.

“If that’s all, then I believe you know what to do.”

My mind is racing. “You said that if I say no, I can leave. Does that mean I can go home?”

“I never said you could leave, pet. I said you’d no longer be my concern.”

“What does that mean?”

“I guess you’ll have to find out, won’t you?”

The call ends. My stomach roils and I have to take in several deep breaths through my nose before I can stand. If I say no, he’s going to kill me. What else could that cryptic statement mean?



I’m trembling all over as I make my way down the stairs. The silk robe is cool against my skin and definitely isn’t helping my nerves since I never wear anything this revealing by choice. Maybe that’s what he intended. Maybe I’m supposed to feel out of my depths. If so, it’s working. Sebastian leads me to the office and smiles at me before walking away. Inhaling, I walk in.

There’s a pillow covered in purple velvet next to the desk. I’m not sure if it was there earlier, but it’s all I can see now. This is it. I’m really going to do this. Crossing the room, I take off the robe and lower myself to the pillow, holding the contract in my hands the way he instructed. He doesn’t acknowledge me for a bit, but finally takes the contract.

“You may lower your arms.”

He flips through the pages. Is he looking over the checklist? Will he judge me for some things I marked? Do I even care? This is a means to an end. I will endure Kieran Van der Zee and in one year I will gladly marry whoever he picks. I’ll be safe. My younger sisters will be safe. And one day I’ll be able to forget this nightmare. I hope.

“Do you have questions for me, pet? Now is your time to speak.”

“Why a Dom/sub relationship? Why not have me work at the club?”

“I find that some people need total control taken from them and do their best in a sub role.”

“And you think I’m one of those people?”

He nods his head. “I do.”

“And the club?”

He says, “Now that I’ve pissed off Erics, you won’t be protected at the club, which means it’s no longer an option. Here, no one can touch you.”

“You said that my sisters will be taken care of, but that I won’t be able to have contact with them. Why can’t I have contact?”
