Page 45 of Devious Deals

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“They are. How did you hear about it?”

“It was recommended to me by Malik Jafar. Apparently, his woman went there.”

Winter went to a boarding school in England, too. I wonder what the chances are that it’s the same place? Also, his word choice is interesting because I’m fairly certain Malik Jafar is married. Why not just refer to her as his wife?

He sits next to me. “Tell me about your sisters.”

“I’d rather not, Sir.”

My thoughts and feelings are still all over the place. Talking about them is only going to lead to more tears.

“Was I asking?”

My cheeks warm and I advert my gaze.

“There are eight of us, total. I’m right in the middle. Attina, Alana, Adella, and Aquata are the oldest. Then me. Then Arista, Ayla, and Andrina. Growing up, the house was always loud and full of love.” I sigh softly. “Until my mom died. After that, my dad threw himself into his job. He was a soldier for Midas and worked for him until Midas stepped down. I think he thought Midas would leave a piece of the city to him when he stepped down.”

Kieran hums. “I’m sure he didn’t appreciate how Midas ended up splitting things.”

“No, he didn’t like it one bit. That’s when he started marrying off my older sisters to Families around the world. Attina went to Italy. Alana to Greece. Adella is in Boston, but I haven’t seen her in years. Aquata is in Brazil. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that he was going to send me to New York.”

“And what is the point of having his family spread across the world?”

I do look at him this time. “Your guess is as good as mine, Sir.”

“I have thoughts about what your father is planning.” But he offers nothing else on the topic. Instead, he says, “I’ve made some calls about your older sisters. They seem happy, mostly.”

“I’m sure you heard what was said about Adella.”

He nods. “Yes.”

“She never wanted kids.”

“Why not?”

“Does there have to be a reason?”

“Touché. What about you? Do you want kids?”

“I’ve always wanted to be a mother. When Andrina was a baby, I used to pretend that she was mine. But I don’t know how I feel about having a baby if I marry into a Family.” I shake my head. “Max said that he was going to make me have a child so that he would be seen as stronger. I can only imagine what that would mean for the child, you know?”

Kieran is silent, as if he’s thinking.

“What about you? Do you want kids?”

“I’ve not thought about it too much.”

“Really? Jane seems like the type to want kids.”

His gaze snaps to mine and the energy between us changes.

“How interesting that you can make assumptions about a person you briefly saw while hiding under a desk.” He stands, tucking his phone into his pocket. “Rest, pet. Tomorrow is a big day.”

“What’s tomorrow?”

“You were in the study. You heard Jane mention the upcoming engagement party for Odin Vilulf.”

My cheeks flame, but I say, “You don’t have to take me, you know. You could take Jane. It sounded like she wanted to go. Besides, I trust you and whoever you pick for me.”
