Page 61 of Devious Deals

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“My sweet Bella is trying so hard to make milk for me, isn’t she?” His hand moves between my legs. “Such a good little cow.”

Everything has felt different lately and suddenly I wish it was true. I wish I was making milk. Maybe then he’d want to keep me. Pushing him from my boob, I unbutton his pants and free his cock. A moment later, we’re fucking like there’s no tomorrow. He holds my tit, sucking nosily until I scream my release. A few thrusts later, he comes, too, letting out a satisfied sigh.

“Kieran, I really do love you. Even if you don’t believe me.”

He stills, and the shift in the air is tangible.

“No, you don’t, pet. You’re only feeling this way because of the sex. None of this is real, and you’d do good to remember it.”

I move from his lap, feeling his cum run down my leg. God, how can I be so stupid? He truly only sees me as an object to fuck. He doesn’t care for me. In his eyes, I’m easily replaceable. My chin trembles and I turn my head so he can’t see the tears in my eyes. Not that he would care even if he did.

He says, “I’ll be dropping you off at the house. I have somewhere to be tonight.”

He’s leaving me to go see Jane. I know it with every fiber in my being.


“Tomorrow, we need to talk.”


He sighs. “Ari, I warned you not to fall in love with me.”


“Will you stop saying that?”

I say nothing.

“One day you’ll look back and see that I’m right.”

I bite the inside of my cheek, not moving. He continues to speak, but I stop listening. Instead, I go somewhere deep inside of my mind, where I remember a random memory from my youth. My sisters and I were snooping in our parent’s room and found a box in the back of the closet. Thinking it was a gift for one of us, we opened it. It was our mother’s memory box—things from her own youth that she thought important. I remember picking up a pink seashell, thinking it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life.

Adella pointed out that there was a bundle of letters in the box and began reading one aloud before giggling. It was a love letter, but it wasn’t from our father. I glanced at the paper, noticing an embossed design. A design I’ve seen before. It was the same design as the pin Kieran wears on his shirt. My breath hitches. Did he know my mother, or am I grasping at straws?

“Ariel, we’re home.”

Home. This isn’t myhome. I nod, opening my door. Seb is waiting for me and leads me into the house.

“Would you like anything to eat? Chef is still awake.”

Behind him, I see the SUV leaving with Kieran still inside.

“No, thank you.”

Turning, I make my way upstairs to my room. Undressing, I climb under the bedding as the first sob escapes.



I wake up alone. I’m not sure what I expected. Kieran is one of the most stubborn men I’ve ever met, and now that I’ve told him how I feel, he’s running scared. After dressing, I make my way to his room, opening the door. He’s not there, and the bed hasn’t been slept in. My chest tightens. He didn’t come home last night. He’s putting up walls between us just to prove to me that I’m wrong about loving him.

A numbness settles over me as I make my way downstairs. He’s not in his office, either. I find Seb in the kitchen speaking with Chef.

“Is Kieran here?”

“He’s not, but he’ll be home shortly. Would you like something to eat?”
