Page 65 of Devious Deals

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“Running scared?”

I glance at Seb. “You mean he didn’t tell you?” My tone is mocking. “We kissed last night.”

Seb’s eyes widen. “On the mouth?”

“Yes, Seb. On the mouth. With tongue and several times,” I add. “And the first thing he does today is decide that I need to get out of here.”

Seb is quiet. “I had no idea.”

“Like I said, it’s actually better this way. Kieran clearly wouldn’t know a healthy relationship if it hit him in the face.”

I glance at the camera in the room as I say that bit, just in case he’s listening. He’s probably not, though. Not if Jane is the one who was at the front door…

I turn to Seb. “Any idea who he’s found for me to marry?”

“All I know is he was on the phone all day.”

Well, that explains the long phone calls, though nothing was said in front of me that screamed ‘wedding’.

“I hope it’s someone who doesn’t live in New York.” I sigh. “It’d be nice to move somewhere and start over.”

“You’re basically Mafia royalty. There’s no starting over for you, the daughter of Alex Triton.”

That makes me groan, but I know he’s right.

“Any idea when I get to meet my fiancé?”

“I think tomorrow. Kieran asked me to make a reservation for lunch at Malik Jafar’s hotel. It’s neutral grounds where you’ll be well protected.”

Oddly enough, my wellbeing isn’t at the top of my list. Getting out of here is.


“Ari, I think you should talk to him.”

“And say what? Seb, I know you mean well, but I think we’ve said everything that we need to say. Kieran doesn’t want me, and that’s fine. Better than fine. It’s great.”

Seb sighs, but my mind is made up. I won’t be made to look like a fool. Again.

* * *


I watch Sebastian comfort Ariel in her room. My stomach is heavy. Fuck. This is my fault. Closing my eyes, I try to remember why sending her away is a good idea but come up empty-handed. Her words dance through my mind.

Know this. I’ll move on and be happy while you’ll be here, stuck in this cavernous house, all alone.

She’s right. I’ll never be happy. Not now.

A knock on my door has me scowling as Seb enters without being invited.

“I don’t want to hear it.”

“Too fucking bad. What in the hell are you thinking? You kissed her and now you’re sending her away?”


“Kieran, do you hear yourself?”
