Page 64 of Devious Deals

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It’s hard to breathe. This is it.

“Yes, Sir?”

“You may look at me.”

I don’t want to, but I do. If he’s going to tell me it’s over, then he deserves to see what it does to me.

“Do you remember what I said when I first brought you here?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You’ve done well, my pet, but I feel I’ve taught you everything there is to know.”

I knew it was coming, but that doesn’t stop the pain that shoots through my chest.

“I’m not ready, Sir.”

“You are, and I’ve already found a husband for you.”

“Kieran, no!”

He stands. “I’ll let that slip-up pass because I know you’re upset. It’s happening, pet.”

“I won’t marry him.”

“You signed the contract, pet. You’ll do as you’re supposed to.”

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll send you back to Max Erics.”

A sob escapes my mouth before I can stop it. I turn my back to him, pulling my knees to my chest. How can he be so cruel? One kiss and he’s ready to send me back to the person who hurt me the most. No, that’s not right. He’s hurting me just as much right now. My heart feels like it’s being ripped open. I thought he loved me, too. I thought we could work this out. Turns out everyone is right. I am a stupid girl.

He touches my shoulder. “This is for the best, Ari. You’ll only get hurt if you stay with me.”

He turns and I feel the coldness left in his wake.

“I never thought you to be a coward, Kieran. But you’re right. I’ll only get hurt if I stay.” I stand. “I’ll marry whoever you picked. But know this. I’ll move on and be happy while you’ll be here, stuck in this cavernous house, all alone.”

His eyes widen, but I don’t care. I shove past him, making my way into the hallway just as the doorbell rings. Seb is on his way to the door but stops when he sees me.


“Leave me alone.”

But he follows me to my room, sitting next to me on the bed as the doorbell rings again. A horrible thought crosses my mind. What if Jane was the one who was at the door?

“Are you okay?”


“Come on, Ari. You can trust me.”

That makes me snort. “We both know that’s not true. Not entirely. Your allegiance belongs to him, and that’s fine.”

“He’s only doing what’s best for you.”

“No, he’s running scared. But let him. I don’t need someone like that in my life.”
