Page 67 of Devious Deals

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I shake his outstretched hand. “You as well, Mr. Greystoke.”

“Please sit.”

I lower myself in the chair opposite of him and wait for him to sit. He lets out a relieved sigh when he’s seated.

“Getting old has been a real bitch. I used to be able to do anything. Now I can barely stand for a few moments.” He gives me a small smile. “My son wanted to come in my place today, but I said I wanted to meet my future bride in person.”

“I’m glad you came, Mr. Greystoke. This entire process has been… different. Seeing you has convinced me I’m making the right choice.”

He snorts softly. “Because I seem close to my deathbed?”

“Because you seem like a kind man.”

That much is true. He doesn’t give off the same evil vibes that Max Erics did. Nor does he scream alpha male like Kieran. When I look at John, there is no fear. And that is oddly comforting.

He stares at me for a moment. “You’re not what I expected, Ms. Triton. I knew that you would be well trained. All of Van der Zee’s girls are. There’s something about you that’s different.”

Yeah. My heart has been broken and I just don’t care anymore.

Before I can respond, he says, “My days are limited, Ms. Triton, which is why I’m sure I was picked. I want to spend the last of my days doing everything my first wife and I never did.”

“When did she pass?”

“Almost twenty years ago. My Alice was a fighter, but she couldn’t beat death. She died so young, too. She was only thirty-six.”

I do the math in my head. If she was thirty-six when she passed, that means John was at least twenty-five years older than her. I wonder why he married so late in life, but I guess it’s none of my business.

I reach across the table, touching his hand. The way he speaks of his wife makes my eyes water. He loved her, missing her even now.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you, my girl. My only regret since losing her is not living my life to the fullest, the way she wanted me to. And now I find myself running out of time.” He sighs, shaking his head. “If you’re agreeable, I thought we could take a ride around Central Park after we eat. My son, Clayton, will accompany us if that’s okay with you?”

“That’s fine. I suppose I’ll need to get to know him eventually.”

“Clayton’s a good boy. He was his mother’s pride and joy.”

“Is Clayton your only child?”

“He is. I always wanted more children, but it wasn’t in my cards. What about you, Ms. Triton? Do you want children?”

Again, I try not to be ick-ed out at the thought of having sex. I decide on a general answer.

“I have seven sisters, so I grew up in a full house. I’m not sure if I want kids of my own, though.”

“You’re still young. You may change your mind when you’re older or meet the right person.” He smiles, looking over my shoulder. “It seems my own child can’t stay away a moment longer. Ariel, meet my son, Clayton.”

I look up, expecting to find an older man. I’m shocked to find a man closer in age to me. A very handsome man. In Clayton, I get a glimpse of what John must have looked like when he was younger. Tall. Blond hair with curls around the ears. Kind blue eyes. The complete opposite of Kieran. I take this as a good sign.

Clayton holds out his hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Triton.”

“Please, call me Ariel.”

He takes the seat next to his father and says, “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

John snorts. “You know you are, but it’s okay. I think it’ll be good for you and Ms. Triton to get to know each other.”

Clayton shakes his head, smiling at me. “My father seems to think it will make sense for us to marry once he dies.”
