Page 68 of Devious Deals

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I’m taken aback for a moment, unsure of what to say.

Clayton saves me by saying, “I’ve shocked you. I’m sorry. We know Dad doesn’t have much time. Thus the search for a wife. But I’m searching for a wife, too, so this could be perfect if you’re willing.”

I turn my attention to John. “If I may ask, why remarry now? Surely you could hire a companion to travel with you.”

“I could,” he agrees. “But there’s a clause on my estate that says I must be married when I pass. The same goes for Clayton. And if Clayton has children, they’ll have to do the same.”

Clayton says, “A curse upon us, if you will.”

“A curse?”

His smile is tight. “It sure feels like it at times.”

John says, “My forefathers wanted to ensure that our bloodline would continue no matter what and took extreme steps to make it happen.”

“What happens if only a female is born?”

John answers, “Oh, it’s happened. The man she married took on our name so that their children would get the name.”

“It sounds like they thought everything through.”

“They did indeed. Now, would you like to take that ride around the park after we eat?”

I smile. “I would love to.”

Like magic, our food is brought out. My stomach roils as the fish is set in front of me. There’s no way I can eat this when I’m so nervous, so I pick around it, eating the rice and some vegetables.

John and his son spend the meal telling stories that have me smiling. I can tell they have a household filled with love and that gives me hope for my own future.

John asks, “How many sisters did you say you have again, Ms. Triton?”

“Seven, and call me Ari, please.”

“Have you spoken to them recently, Ari?”

“I have not. The older ones are married and have their own lives, and the younger ones are away at boarding school in England.”

“England, eh? I haven’t been to England in ages.” He turns his attention to Clayton. “In fact, I believe it was when Clayton graduated from Oxford.”

I’m impressed. I know how hard it is to get into Oxford.

“What did you study?”

Something flickers in his eyes but is gone so fast that I think I must have imagined it. “My master’s degree is in business and marketing. I handle the trade side of Father’s company, so it only made sense.”

“Don’t let him fool you. He’s the brains behind everything. My boy works hard and plays hard.” His eyes twinkle as he looks at his son with pride. “Tell her about your last trip.”

Clayton shakes his head, but says, “I went on a safari in Africa.”

“Oh, wow. I’ve always wanted to go to Africa. How was it?”

He smiles. “I’m already planning my next trip. Perhaps you and Father can join me?”

John says, “That would be wonderful. I’d love to get one more kill in before I die.”


Clayton answers, “The safari was a hunting safari. Big game.”
