Page 83 of Devious Deals

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I’ve taken two steps when a hand goes around my mouth, and I’m pulled into a secluded corner.

“Hello, stepmother.”

Dread coils through me, and I try to get out of his grasp.

“I don’t think so. Why, this is the first time I’ve had you to myself since Van der Zee returned.” His free hand snakes under my shirt, cupping my breast. “The things I’m going to do to you once we’re married.”

I try again to get away. He squeezes my breast until I cry out. But the sound is muffled against his hand, so no one is going to hear me.

“I heard a rumor today. It seems Van der Zee and his fiancée have moved up their wedding. Looks like they can’t wait to get rid of you so they can get married. Hell, they might not even make it to next week before they tie the knot.”

Hurt spears me, but I show no outward reaction to what he says.

“Once Van der Zee is on his honeymoon, no one is going to be around to protect you. Just remember that. Now, I’m going to let you go and you’re going to behave and give me a kiss. Understand?”

I nod once. His grip loosens. The moment it does, I pull out of his grasp and run away. His body slams into mine, shoving me face first into a wall. He spins me, covering my mouth in a bruising kiss. Bile creeps up my throat and I try to turn my head, but he holds me in place. I heave once and vomit in his mouth.

He pulls back, spitting.

“You bitch.” I cry out as he backhands me. “Pull a stunt like that again and see what happens.”

Bending at the waist, I empty the contents of my stomach onto the tiled floor.

“Is there a problem?”

Both of us turn and I could cry in relief. Malik Jafar strolls toward us, his gaze trained on Clayton.

He stands taller. “Mr. Jafar. What an honor.”

“An honor.” His gaze goes to me before landing back on Clayton. “What’s your name,boy?”

“Clayton Greystoke.”

“Tell me, Greystoke, why do you have Kieran Van der Zee’s ward cornered? And why does it look like she’s been struck?”

“It was just a misunderstanding, sir. She’ll tell you herself.”

Jafar’s gaze narrows. “There are two things I can’t stand in this world. A liar and a predator. Know what both things have in common?”

Clayton visibly pales. “What?”

“Fuck around and find out, Greystoke.” Jafar pats Clayton’s cheek hard. “I suggest you leave my hotel right now. You’d be wise to never show your face at any of my properties ever again. Understand?”

Clayton nods and rushes away.

Jafar turns to me, his tone softening. “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?”

Hot tears fill my eyes. “I’m sorry I made a mess on the floor.”

“Floors can be cleaned, Ms. Triton. Would you like me to get Ellie?”

I realize that Ellie is likely how Jafar knew that I was here. Did she ask him to come and check on me?

I shake my head. “I think I’d like to go home.”

“I’ll escort you to your car.”

“Thank you.”
