Page 91 of Devious Deals

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The grip on my shoulder tightens to the point of being painful. I jerk my shoulder free and stand, facing him.

“Yes. This arrangement is going to benefit us both. John will have the companionship he seeks. When he’s gone, I will have the means and funds to move on with my life.”

A dark look flashes in his eyes, but he smiles.

“We should go, Dad. It’s almost time for your medication.” To me, he says, “Ari, I’ll see you tomorrow for your dress fitting.”

“There’s no need for you to be there, Mr. Greystoke. In fact, you won’t be needed until the wedding when you help your father during the ceremony.”

We stare at each other, a battle of wills. Inside, I’m trembling, but I don’t show it outwardly. This man has hurt me long enough, and it stops now. Oddly, speaking to John and signing the prenup has given me the courage to stand up to Clayton.

Clayton dips his head. “I’ll speak to Mr. Van der Zee and get his thoughts on the matter. He may have other opinions on the safety that I can provide.”

I flinch. Since Kieran doesn’t give a damn about me, then he’s likely going to do whatever he can to ensure that our paths don’t cross, which means telling Clayton he can accompany me.

John says, “You’re overreacting, my boy. Ariel is in no danger, and the wedding is in four days. Not much can happen in that amount of time.”

Clayton’s gaze darts to his father and back to me. He’s pissed but doesn’t say anything else.

I turn to John. “I’ll see you at the rehearsal dinner on Thursday.”

Without saying goodbye to Clayton, I make my way out of the room. Seb is waiting and rushes to my side.

“Everything okay?”

“The meeting went well, if that’s what you’re asking.” I glance over my shoulder and find Clayton staring at me. “He’s mad. Said he’s going to be at the dress fitting tomorrow. Is there any way to ensure that he won’t?”

Seb says, “I’ll see what I can do. Let’s get out of here.”

I don’t need to be told twice and follow him to the elevators. As the doors close, I catch sight of Clayton again. The look on his face says everything. He’s going to make me pay for this.



I’m in my office in Manhattan, waiting to hear from Jetsam and Flotsam. It fucking killed me that I couldn’t go with Ari today, but I have to play this smart.

They enter, sitting across from my desk.


Flotsam says, “The prenup has been signed. She’s getting ten million the moment he says, ‘I do’.”

“Good. Any objections on his end?”

“He didn’t want to add the clause about the heirs, but to be frank, I don’t think he’ll be around long enough to worry about more heirs.”

Jetsam adds, “He could barely hold the pen to sign.”

“Were any provisions made in case he dies before the wedding?”

“Of course. Ms. Triton will get one million dollars.”

I nod. “Excellent. Were there any clauses in there that they tried to slide in?”

Flotsam answers, “A few, but we took care of them.”

“What were they?”
