Page 95 of Devious Deals

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She makes a face. “I have class, Kieran.”

“And I don’t? Is that what you’re saying?”

“I never said that.”


“But I don’t know why you keep the club. You could sell it and focus on your other businesses.”

“I could,” I agree. “But the club actually helps me with my other jobs. If you asked me about my work, you’d know that.”

“Kieran, did you invite me to dinner just to pick a fight?”

“No. I invited you to break up with you.”

Her laugh rings like bells. “Oh, you’re funny.”

“I’m serious.”

A flush spreads across her chest. “What?”

“You heard me. Our relationship is over. You can keep the ring. You’re likely going to need the money after the stunt you pulled.”

“Stunt? What are you talking about?”

I push the folder next to me across the table. She reaches for it, opening it. I watch with some satisfaction as the color drains from her face.

“Kieran, this isn’t true.”

“Isn’t it? Your mother may be the only person who could vouch for that, but she’s gone, so I have to rely on cold, hard facts.” I lean forward. “She was broke when she died and only left the club to me so her creditors couldn’t get it. And you. You’ve been a little hypocrite the entire time, haven’t you?”

Her eyes flash. “I have not.”

“Why am I not surprised? You’ve never been held accountable for anything in your life. Why did I think you’d start tonight?”

“Kieran, let me explain. It was all Mother’s idea. I was just a child. I had no choice but to go along with her. When the money ran out, we did what we had to.”

“And the lying?”

“You’re not seriously bent out of shape because I lied, are you?” She scoffs. “Like I said. I was a child and did what my mother told me to do.”

“That may have been the case when you were young, but what stopped you from telling me the truth when we were eighteen?” My tone lowers. “You knew that she was working with the Triton family to ensure that Alex Triton would marry Minerva. You knew that they were giving her pills to make her lose my child.”

“She was beneath you!” Jane’s eyes are bright as she hisses the words. “You deserved the world but were so ready to settle when you found out that she was pregnant. Yes, I knew that Mother supplied the drugs to end Minerva’s pregnancy. And yes, I knew that she was pushing the eldest Triton son to marry her. What does that matter now?”

“I loved her!”

Jane laughs. “Love? How can you still believe in love after everything you’ve done in your life?”

“I want to know why you didn’t tell me the truth, Jane.”

“Because I knew you’d go after her. Even when she married Alex Triton and moved on.” Her gaze narrows. “Your behavior changed when you took in this last project, so I did some digging. Tell me, does little Ariel Triton know that you used to fuck her mother?”

“Not yet, but she will.”

“Let me guess. You’re going to come clean to her and then what? Hope she forgives you? How can you be so pathetic? My mother would be so disappointed.”

“She might be, but I don’t give a fuck.” I pause. “You say you wonder how Ari is going to feel when she finds out that I fucked her mother? Well, one could ask you the same thing.”
