Page 126 of Vicious Vows

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His ears turn red. “Right.”

“How did they die?”

He sighs. “I’d rather not get into that. Do y’all want anything to eat before we get to the motel? I’m pretty tired and just want to shower and go to bed.”

We both say it’s fine to go back to the motel. Inside, I’m freaking out. Do I really know Flynn? Like, I don’t even know his last name.

We arrive at the motel and Flynn slips into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. I turn to Freja, grabbing her hand.

“Freja, I think we need to go.”

Her eyes are wide. “Go? What has you so spooked?”

“Something about this is starting to creep me out. Why is he acting so weird?” I nod my head toward the bathroom, so she knows I’m talking about Flynn.

“He has two hot chicks in his hotel room. He probably thinks it’s going to be like a porno or something.”

“Freja, Grandmama always said to listen to your gut.”

She groans. “Jesus, Anna. We’ve only been gone for a few days and you’re already quoting that witch! Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it is too late for you.”

“I’m serious.”

“So am I.” She sighs. “Look, we can hang out with him until we get to Fort Worth and then ditch him. We can figure out what we want to do on our own after that. Deal?”


She grins. “I definitely want to go to another hockey game. That was wild. And sexy.”

“It was,” I agree. I bite my lip. “Are you really okay with ditching Flynn and going off on our own?”

She bumps her shoulder into mine. “Definitely.”

Flynn emerges from the bathroom moments later, freshly showered. “Who’s next?”


I grab my bag, carrying it inside. The bathroom is still steamy from Flynn’s shower, making my clothes stick to my body. I lock the door behind me and turn on the cold water in the tub, so no one asks what I’m doing. Inhaling, I dig out the pregnancy test and read the instructions. It’s straightforward. I pee on a stick and two minutes later I’ll know if I’m pregnant.

Making myself pee right now isn’t that hard since I’ve had to go since we left the hockey game. My hand shakes as I set the test on the edge of the counter. I want to ask Freja to come in here, but I don’t. If I tell her my fears, then that makes this real. And I want to deny this for as long as I can. Well, for at least the next two minutes or so. If I’m being honest, I know what the test is going to say. I’m never late, and it’s been exactly six weeks since Odin and I have been…well, doing whatever it is we’re doing.

Turning my back on the test, I close my eyes. It’s scary how easily I can picture a baby boy with Odin’s dark hair and my eyes. Or a little girl climbing into his lap. My chest pulls. But it wouldn’t be that simple. He’s married, to my mother, nonetheless, and he’s already proven that he’ll never pick me.

His words echo through my mind.

We’ll tell them I missed your mother…

Is that what this was all along? Here I was, falling in love with the man when he was using me as a distraction. Hot tears fill my eyes. God, I’m so fucking stupid. He told me I was just a way to pass the time, and I didn’t believe him.

The alarm on my phone rings, scaring the crap out of me. I swipe it off before turning to the plastic stick. I can do this. It’ll be fine either way. Lifting the stick, I see the word as clear as day.Pregnant. I let out a small laugh that turns into a sob. Oh, god. What am I going to do?

A knock on the door has me wiping my eyes.

“Anna, are you okay?”

I answer Freja, “Yeah. I’ll be right out.”

I hide the empty box and stick in the trash can, adding toilet paper over it. Hopefully, no one will snoop, though I can’t imagine why they would. I wash my hands and splash water on my face. I’ll figure this out later. For now, I’m going to hop into the shower and try to pretend this isn’t happening for another few hours.
