Page 129 of Vicious Vows

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My head throbs as I come to, and it feels like something is running down the side of my face. When I go to touch my forehead, I discover that my arms are tied behind my back.

“Ah, sleeping beauty awakens.” Flynn moves closer. “I was starting to think I hit you too hard.”

I whimper. “Flynn, what’s going on?”

“I overheard you and Freja while I was in the bathroom. Planning on running off and leaving me, eh? Can’t say that I blame you. I’m honestly surprised it took this long for you to start to sense my motives.”

“Motives?” I shake my head. “What’s going on, Flynn?”

“All in good time, babe.”

He walks around me, tugging on the ropes. I bite back a groan. My shoulder throbs as if something is wrong with it.

“Flynn, let me go. This is just some kind of misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding?” He laughs bitterly. “No, babe, it’s not. This is what I get for going soft on a job.”

Fear courses through me.

“A job?”

“Yeah.” He stops in front of me, looking down. “I thought you were different. Turns out, you’re not.”

“Flynn, please tell me what’s going on. None of this makes any sense.”

He sits on my bed, facing me. “I was hired to take you out of the picture. Does that make enough sense for you?”

“Take me out of the picture? You were hired to kill me?”

“No.” My relief is short-lived as he says, “I was hired to sell you. I work for a trafficking ring.”

“You lied to me?” I should be terrified about the trafficking part, but knowing he lied to me hurts. “I thought we were friends…”

Flynn shrugs. “I told you what you needed to know. And I only lied in the same ways you did.”

“Who are you working for?”

“Does it matter?”


He gives me a small smile. “I’m not going to tell you who I work for, Anna. But you’re a smart girl. I’m sure you can figure it out if you think hard enough.”

Freja comes to at that moment, groaning. “Oof. My head feels like it’s been split open.”

“That’s because it has. Flynn hit you over the head and you’re bleeding.”

Her eyes widen and she struggles against her bindings. “You bastard! Let me go!” She looks at me, gasping. “Anna, you’re bleeding, too.”

“I know,” I answer grimly. “Flynn here was just telling me he’s working for someone who hired him to kidnap us and sell us.”


He sighs, as if we’ve annoyed him.

“Like I told Anna, I’m not going to tell you who I work for. You’ll be meeting them soon enough, and then I can get the hell out of here before I end up dead.” He pauses. “If it makes you feel better, Freja, I was only supposed to get Anna. But you’ve increased my pay, so thanks.”
