Page 128 of Vicious Vows

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Both mean something has happened.

“I want to know exactly where in the fuck she is.”

He hesitates.


“Have you spoken to Elsa? Is this her doing?”

“No, but I’ll call her right now.”

I use the phone on my desk.

She answers on the third ring.

“This better be important, Vilulf.”

“Where is Anna?”

“Why, I assume she is in her room.”

“You don’t know?”

She huffs. “I told the girl to stay out of my sight, and she has.”

I grip the receiver of the phone. “You mean to tell me that you haven’t been to check on her in four days?”

“That’s correct.”

“Jesus Christ. Send someone to check on her. Now.”

Elsa sighs but calls a maid and tells them to check on Anna.

A moment later, I hear the words I was dreading.

“She’s not in her room, ma’am.”

I end the call before Elsa can say anything to me and turn to Heimdall.

“She’s not there.”

Heimdall says, “I’ve almost got an exact location. Let’s try listening in. See if we hear anything that helps.”

He presses the button. There’s static. I glance at Heimdall. He motions for me to be silent. And then I hear it. A soft groan.

A muffled voice says, “Ah, sleeping beauty awakens. I was starting to think I hit you too hard.”

And then my sweet Anna whimpers. “Flynn, what’s going on?”

Heimdall closes the app.

“What in the fuck, man?”

“I have her location. We need to go. Now.”

Because we both know that whoever has Anna means to harm her. And it’s all my fault.

