Page 131 of Vicious Vows

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My brothers and I arrive an hour too late to the motel in Oklahoma City. One fucking hour. I know because I’ve seen the footage of Anna being dragged out of the motel. We reached out to a local contact who’s letting us use his warehouse. Because where I failed to get Anna, I didn’t fail in getting the fucker who took her from me. Imagine my surprise when I realized I’ve seen this man before.

He's in the other room, begging for his life as some of my brothers beat the shit out of him. I’m next to Heimdall, and we’re rewatching the footage of Anna and Freja being drug out of the cheap motel. I watch the footage until I feel like I’m going out of my mind. The fear in Anna’s eyes is going to be forever etched in my brain as she’s pushed into the back of the van. Fuck. I shouldn’t have sent her away. I close my eyes. This is my fault.

I ask Heimdall, “Do we know who the fuckers are that took Anna?”

“The boy swears he doesn’t know.”

“Tell Osman to start taking fingers.”

“Will do. I’ll reach out to Van der Zee, too. He’s offered to help.”

I nod my head, starting the footage over. These men are either bold or idiots. They took Anna and Freja with nothing covering their faces, which will make them easy to identify and easy to kill.

Thore says, “We’re going to find her, brother.”

I don’t answer because we all know we might not. Each moment that passes without knowing where she is kills me. What if she’s being hurt? What if she’s dead? What if something worse has happened to her? Ellie Jafar’s face crosses my mind. No! I can’t allow myself to think like that.

Hans enters, looking like he hasn’t slept in days. “I just heard. How can I help?”

I point to the printed photo of Flynn. “Have you seen this man before?”

Something about this fucker isn’t setting right with me. This wasn’t some random job. He was sent to take Anna, and I want to know who sent him.

Hans looks it over. “Yeah, I’ve seen him before. He was in the lobby of your building the night I came back from London.”

There’s no way he had access to the lobby of my building unless someone let him in or gave him a code.

This gets my attention. “What was he doing?”

“Talking on the phone. Who is he?”

“He’s the man who took Anna and her cousin Freja.”

His eyes widen. “He took Freja?”

Something in his expression has me asking, “You care for Freja?”

Hans’ cheeks turn red. “We had a…thinga long time ago. It’s stupid, right?”

“It’s not stupid if you care for her.”

“Tell me we’re going to get them back.”

I can’t do that, so I say, “The man, Flynn, is in the other room. Let’s go have a little chat with him, shall we?”

Hans cracks his knuckles. “Yes.”

The little fucker actually pisses his pants as I approach. I sit in the chair across from him, looking him over. One of his eyes is already swollen shut. The other is close behind it. His nose has been broken and is noticeably crooked. Leaning forward, I grab his nose, pushing it to the left. He screams, and I laugh.

“Sorry, friend. Just trying to help you out a bit. You’re looking quite rough at the moment.”

“There’s been some kind of mistake,” he moans. “I’m not who you think I am.”

My fist is flying before I can think, smashing against his already broken nose. He screams and I sit back until he stops.
