Page 132 of Vicious Vows

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“Do not insult me like that, boy. Understand?”

He nods.

“I want to know who you’re working for and why they hired you to take my woman.”

He shakes his head. I think he’s crying, but it’s hard to tell with all the blood.

“I didn’t take your woman. I took your stepdaughter,” he finally says.

That earns him another punch, this time to the ribs, which I’m sure hurts like a mother fucker since my brothers are good at their jobs.

Heimdall approaches and leans in, whispering a name into my ear.

“Ah. Now we’re getting somewhere. Eugene, let’s start from the beginning, shall we?”

He stills, and I laugh.

“What? Did you think I wouldn’t find out who you are, Eugene? Rest assured, I will know everything about you in moments. Remember that if there’s some family member or loved one out there who means anything to you.” I lean in. “Now, why were you sent to take Anna?”

He makes a pained sound. “I was hired to take her out of the picture and make sure she was handed over to the men who run the auction.”

An icy calm settles over me. “Auction?”

“For women. Black market stuff.”

Trafficking. Fuck.

“And the other woman?”

“She wasn’t supposed to be there, but when Anna asked if she could come, I said yes.”

“Because it’s more money for you.”

It’s not a question. I already know how traffickers think, since I’ve dealt with my fair share of them. Something dark pulls inside of me. When the city was handed to Jafar, Van der Zee, and me, the first thing we did was get rid of all the traffickers. It was shocking how many were in the city running their operations. Elsa denied knowing anything about it, which I found hard to believe at the time. Was I right all along? Did Elsa know more than she was letting on? Worse, was she in with those bastards all along? Could she really do this to her own flesh and blood?

Heimdall returns and says, “It seems our friend, Eugene, has a wife in his hometown of Mesquite, Texas. A wife that is worried because he hasn’t called.” He smiles. “Heather Rapunzel Rider. Met this fucker in high school and married him the day they turned eighteen. Tell me, Eugene, does your pretty little wife know what you do for a living?

“Leave Heather alone!”

I say, “My brothers and I don’t make it a habit of going after our enemies’ wives or children. No, we’d much rather dish out the punishment to those who deserve it. But that means you have to work with us. Understand?”

He nods. “Yes, I understand.” He inhales, moaning in pain. “I work for Madame Gothel. I’m a finder, which means I scour different places and find women who fit a certain criterion. Once Madame Gothel has approved them, I lure them to the men who run the auction.”

“Who are the men?”

“It varies from job to job.”

“Who are the men who took Anna and Freja?”

“They were new. Madame Gothel said this was a special job which required special measures to be taken. That’s everything I know, I swear.”

“How do you get in contact with Gothel?”

“She calls me.”

“How often does she call?”

He whimpers. “It varies. Usually every few months. I have to lie low after a job.”
