Page 139 of Vicious Vows

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She laughs. “True enough. Now, what were we talking about?”

“How you came to have two of Elsa’s kin in your possession.”

“Ah, yes. The one-hundred-million-dollar question.” She pauses. “Still waiting on that payment, Claudius.”

“Of course.”

He opens his phone. A moment later, her phone beeps. Her eyes become glossy with greed.

“How lovely. I do so love doing business with you. Did I tell you about my next show? It’s in your neck of the woods.”

“I’m afraid these two may take me out of the game for a bit.”

“Indeed.” She winks. “Maybe I’ll have another Aakre woman for you by then.”

“You never cease to amaze me. Let me guess. You have an insider working right under Elsa’s nose who helped you pull off a job like this?”

“I get so horny when you talk to me like that, Claudius. You’re the only man who truly understands me.”

I’m losing my patience. Each moment we’re in here is a moment that I don’t know what’s happening to Anna. But I stay still, and don’t even shift my stance.

Irons says, “We’re birds of a feather, my dear Madame.”

She blushes almost the same red as her dress and asks, “Will you be in town long?”

“Long enough to refuel my jet. You know I loathe Texas.”

“Of course. How could I forget?” She pauses. “I feel I must warn you.”

“Warn me?”

“Trouble might follow one of the girls.”

“You think the mother is going to come after her?”

“Not the mother. The stepfather if what my source says is true.”

“Why the stepfather?”

“Because he’s in love with the girl and has been obsessing over her for months now. Went as far as to send his wife away just so he could spend time with her.”

My gut tightens. Elsa is the only fucking person who knows about me and Anna. This proves that she is the one who had Anna taken. I close my eyes, inhaling through my nose. Elsa’s fate is sealed. Her blood will run over my blade soon enough.

Irons says, “Let him come after me. He won’t get far.”

“I do miss your big dick energy, Claudius.”

He stands. “As much as I wish we could continue this chat, I really should be going. You know I’m not even supposed to be in the States.”

She stands, too, rounding her desk. “Stay in touch.”


They embrace and he kisses her until she’s panting, not even bothering to take off the mask. Interesting. He never mentioned that they were intimate.

“Until next time, Madame Gothel.”

He brushes past me. I wait a moment before following him from the room, closing the door behind me. We’re led to another room where Freja and Anna stand, hugging each other. Freja is crying, but my sweet Anna remains strong. Irons shows he’s paid, and four men grab Anna and Freja, bringing them to us.
