Page 141 of Vicious Vows

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“Hans is taking her to be seen, which is where we’re going. Can you stand?”

I nod. He holds my hand, leading me off the plane. Outside, I shiver. Even though it’s early spring, it’s still chilly, and I’m still in the stupid gown from the auction. My skin crawls. I want it off. As if sensing my thoughts, Odin takes off his jacket, putting it over my shoulders.

“Thank you,” I murmur.

An SUV is waiting, and we climb in. I stare out the window as we drive. Odin holds me close, rubbing my shoulder. We finally come to a stop in front of a hospital. My door is opened, and we’re ushered into the ER right into an exam room.

The woman smiles at us. “Dr. Jacques will be in to see you in a moment.”

“Thank you,” Odin answers.

He helps me sit on the exam table, which feels strange. Like, there’s nothing physically wrong with me. Not really. No, all of my wounds are deep inside. My Grandmother wanted me killed. My mother hates me. Odin was just using me. I’m all alone or was until I took that pregnancy test that was positive. How in the hell can I take care of a child when I can’t even take care of myself?

My eyes water and I sniffle. Odin moves, climbing onto the exam table with me. He pulls me into his embrace, holding me tight. It’s like he’s afraid I’m going to vanish the moment he lets me go.

“I’m fine. I swear.”

His hold tightens, and he doesn’t say anything.

“Does Mother know I’m back?”

“I wouldn’t know. I haven’t spoken to her since the day I sent you away.”

I look up at him. “Really?”


There’s a knock on the door and an older man walks in. “Hello, Mr. Vilulf. Ms. Aakre. I’m Dr. Jacques, head of the emergency room department.”

Odin stands, holding out his hand. “I heard you were the best in the city.”

“We try.” He turns to me. “I hear you’ve been through quite an ordeal?”

My eyes water. “I’m fine.”

Odin is at my side in an instant. “Don’t listen to her. She’s not fine. She’s been through god only knows what.”

Dr. Jacques says, “And that’s why I’m going to ask you to step into the hallway with me so that two of my female nurses can speak to Ms. Aakre. Alone.”

Odin doesn’t like this one bit but turns to me. “I’ll be just outside of the door.”

I nod, watching him leave.

Dr. Jacques says, “The nurses will be in shortly to speak to you.”


“There’s no female doctors working tonight, and we know that it’s best to have another female speak to you.”

It dawns on me. They think I’ve been sexually assaulted. My stomach cramps. Odin knew to take me here because of what happened to Mr. Jafar’s wife, Ellie. My eyes water again.

There’s a knock on the door and two women enter. One is older and smiles at me. The other is younger and has a haunted look in her eyes, as if she’s seen things she can’t unsee.

Dr. Jacques says, “Anna, this is Gerda and Cassandra, two of our SAFE nurses. They’re going to ask you some questions if that’s okay with you?”

“Yes, it’s fine.”

“Good. I’m going to step into the hallway until the exam is finished.”
