Page 142 of Vicious Vows

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He leaves, closing the door behind him.

The older woman steps forward. “May I call you Anna?”

I nod.

“Hi, Anna. I’m Gerda. This is my partner, Cassandra. As Dr. Jacques said, we’re SAFE nurses.”

“I know what a SAFE nurse is,” I say. “I’m friends with Ellie Jafar.”

Her eyes soften. “Oh, we love Mrs. Jafar. Her fundraiser raised so much money that’s going to help so many people.”

“Ellie is the best,” I agree. I inhale. “I wasn’t sexually assaulted. They slapped me around a few times and that was it. The person in charge of the trafficking ring said none of us were to be touched.”

Gerda nods. “That’s wonderful news, Anna.”

My eyes water. “I, uh, I think I might be pregnant, though. I took a home test before I was taken, and it was positive.”

Gerda says, “We can check for you and give you some resources.”

“I don’t want Odin, the man out there, to know, though.”

“Of course not. Anything that is said in here is confidential.”

“Thank you.”

“With your permission, I’d like to bring Dr. Jacques back in so that he can perform a basic wellness exam.”


She opens the door, calling Dr. Jacques. After explaining the situation, Dr. Jacques performs the exam and lab is drawn. Forty minutes later, I find out that I’m indeed pregnant.

Dr. Jacques’ voice is reassuring as he says, “You have options, Anna. I’m going to send you home with some information explaining those options.”

I shake my head. “No. No one can know about this.”

“You need to be seen by an obstetrician.”

“And I will. I just can’t have anyone knowing yet.”

He nods. “Might I recommend reaching out to Mrs. Jafar? She will be able to give you the name of the doctor she used.”

My eyes water. “Thank you for being so understanding, Dr. Jacques.”

“Of course.” He smiles. “I’m glad you’re safe, Anna.”

“Me, too.”

He leaves and I’m told I’ll have a moment before Odin is let in.

Closing my eyes, I inhale. I’m still in danger, maybe more so now than I was before. Grandmama is going to find out that I’m alive, and she won’t stop until I’m dead. My hand goes to my stomach. But it’s not just me anymore. So I need a plan.

Odin appears in the doorway. “Let’s go home, baby girl.”

I smile, though it doesn’t reach my eyes. I wish I knew for certain that Odin could be a part of that plan, but the things we said to each other before I left are still too fresh. This baby deserves love. And if Odin can’t give that to both of us, then I’ll find a way to live without him.


