Page 149 of Vicious Vows

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Ending the call, I inhale. I can do this. She deserves the chance to speak to me after what I’ve done to her. And I deserve the chance to tell her how I feel. My finger hovers over my messages before I send one to Odin.

Daddy Odin

Mother just called and said the two of you talked after I left. That she knows everything. I’m on my way to speak to her at Grandmama’s. She said she didn’t trust you, but I do, which is why I’m texting. Something about this isn’t setting right.

* * *


I’m deep in thought when Malik Jafar walks into my study like he has any right to be in my house.

“I’m not in the mood for company.”

“Too fucking bad,” Jafar says, sitting across from me.

Heimdall enters a moment later, giving me a guilty look. Well, that explains how Jafar got into my house.

“If this is about the other Families, they will come to their senses.”

Jafar’s eyes flash. “This is about your own family. I was at home today watching my son while my wife had lunch with a friend.”

“Yes, I know Anna was there.”

“Let me speak.”

My jaw tics, but I remain silent.

“I figured your Anna needed to talk to Ellie after everything she’d been through. Little did I know that she has more in common with Ellie than I thought.”

My blood turns ice cold, knowing everything that Ellie went through after her assault. Hell, I was one of the people who helped get her back, though Jafar will never admit it. If he says she’s like Ellie, then something has happened.

“What did she say?”

“She’s pregnant, Vilulf, and scared out of her mind. She loves you but is scared because your wife—hermother—is pregnant, too. With your child.”

“What are you talking about? Selma isn’t pregnant, at least, not to my knowledge.” The rest of his words hit me right in the heart. “Anna is pregnant? I’m going to be a father?”

I’ve done terrible things in my life to the point I was sure I didn’t deserve to be happy. Anna changed all of that for me. She made me believe in love and happiness. To find out that we’ve created a life together…

Jafar says, “Anna told Ellie that she ran into her mother here, in your home, before she came over for lunch.”

My joy is replaced with fear. Something about this isn’t right. Lifting my phone, I call my doormen. “Was Selma here today?”

“Yes, sir. She arrived around noon and left right after Ms. Aakre.”

I drop the receiver on the cradle.

“Selma was here but didn’t come see me. Why?” My eyes widen. “Fuck. What if she told Anna that she was pregnant to get Anna alone?”

Or worse. What if she knows Anna is pregnant, too? I call Anna, but it goes right to voicemail. Fuck! It’s then that I see it. A text from my sweet girl. I read it aloud.

Heimdall curses under his breath. “Maybe we had this all wrong. Maybe Selma was the villain all along.”

Jafar says, “Sounds like it. So, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to get the love of my life back.”
