Page 148 of Vicious Vows

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“It’s okay. I mean, that’s what I get for messing around with a married man, right?”

“That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.”

I nod. “I ran into her on my way here. She was angry, saying Odin wanted a paternity test.”

“I’m so sorry, Anna.”

“I’m pregnant, too,” I blurt out the words before I can stop myself. “And now I don’t know what to do.”

Saying those words opens up a floodgate of tears. Ellie pulls me in, hugging me.

“It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

“We both know it’s not that easy. People are going to talk.” I hiccup. “My god, I don’t even want to think about how Grandmama is going to react. She’ll likely try to marry me off before anyone knows.”

Or worse, since she’s already tried to get rid of me once.

Ellie says, “You are more than welcome to stay here while you figure out what you’re going to do.”

“Thank you.” I wipe at my eyes. “I feel so useless. Like, I don’t have any skills, so I’m not going to be able to provide for this child. Heck, I can’t even drive.”

“All you can do is take it a day at a time. Have you been to a doctor yet?”

I tell her about seeing Dr. Jacques in the ER and about what he said.

“Yes, I can give you the name of the doctor I saw.”

“I’d appreciate it.”

“Anna, I’m going to say something that you may have strong feelings about.” Her gaze searches mine. “I think you should tell Odin about the baby. He deserves to know, and he might surprise you.”

“Why would he choose me over my mother?”

“Why wouldn’t he?” She squeezes my hand. “Give him a chance.”

A baby cries from somewhere in the penthouse and Ellie smiles. “Looks like my little man is hungry. This will only take a few moments, and then our lunch will be ready.”

I nod and she leaves. Maybe she’s right. Maybe I just need to tell Odin. It might be scary, and it might not go the way I want it to, but at least I’ll be honest with Odin.

* * *

Two hours later, I leave Ellie’s house feeling so much better. Ellie might be the best person I know, and I’m proud to call her a friend. She invited me to go to lunch with her and Ari Van der Zee. I can’t say that I was shocked to find out that Kieran asked Ari to marry him. I saw the way they looked at each other the last time I saw them together.

I’m smiling as I climb into the back of the car. My phone rings and I see Mother’s number on the screen. My smile fades away. Why is she calling? How did she get my new number? Did Odin give it to her? Should I even answer? I finally swipe, answering the call.


“Anna, I think you should come home. We need to talk.”

I bite my bottom lip. “When you say home, do you mean Odin’s house or Grandmama’s?”

“That man’s house is not my home.” She huffs. “He told me what he did. What the two of you have done.”

My chest is tight. “He did?”

“Yes. Anna, I know I have no right to ask this of you, but I need you to trust me. Odin Vilulf is not who he seems. I’ll explain more later, but not over the phone.” She pauses. “I think my mother is in on it, too. She’s out for the day, and this is the only place I can think of to meet that’s safe.”

My head spins. I say, “Okay. I’ll be there.”
