Page 153 of Vicious Vows

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He turns to leave, but I stop him. “I want to be there, Odin.”

Part of me expects him to put up a fight. He doesn’t. Instead, he takes me by the hand, leading me to the elevator.

In the SUV, I ask, “Are we going to talk about the baby?”

“Not until this is handled.” He takes my hand. “I want you to know that I’m happy, though.”


“Yes. Are you?”

My eyes water. “Yes.”

“Good. That’s all that matters.”

We arrive at the same warehouse in Queens where Odin took me before. This time, there are more men gathered to bear witness to what’s about to happen. The Blood Eagle isn’t to be taken lightly.

Heimdall approaches, a grim expression on his face. “Truths are flowing from her mouth now that her end is near. She confessed to being the one behind trying to overthrow you. She confirmed she’s not pregnant. She also confessed to planning and orchestrating Anna’s kidnapping. She just confessed to having our parents killed, too.”

Odin asks, “Did she have a reason?”

“She feared Elsa was going to step down during that time and thought they were her logical choice as replacements.”

“Yet more greed.”

“So it seems.”

Odin turns to me. “No one will blame you if you don’t want to see this, Anna.”

I take his hand. “I want to be there for you.”

His gaze darkens. “Fuck, how did I get so lucky?”

I give his hand a squeeze just as Mother is brought into the room. Her hands and feet are restrained, though that doesn’t stop her from trying to get free. Her mouth is uncovered, and she screams every obscenity under the sun before begging for her life. A long table has been placed in the center of the room. Mother is placed face down on it, and several of the Vilulf brothers make quick work of tying her down.

Hans turns to Odin. “She’s ready.”

Odin gives my hand a quick squeeze and moves toward Mother. Malik Jafar comes to my side, putting his arm around me.

“Ellie would never forgive me if I let you go through this alone.”

“Thank you, but I’m not alone.” I nod toward Odin. “My family is here.”

Jafar smiles down at me. “You’re going to make a damn-fine addition to our group, Anna.”

Odin gets everyone’s attention as Mother sobs, and I know this is it.

* * *


“Selma Aakre has been found guilty. From this day forward, no one will speak of her name. Those of you here today will bear witness to what is happening and spread it as a cautionary tale to those who think to take on the leaders of this great city.”

There are murmurs of agreement throughout the room. Harold walks toward me, handing me the Vilulf Family dagger. This blade has been in our family since our forefathers were Norsemen, leading others into battle. I lift the dagger, saying a silent prayer and then stab the blade into Selma’s back, just above her tailbone. She screams as I drag the metal upward toward her rib cage.

I step aside, letting Harold and Thore step forward. They begin the process of separating ribs from Selma’s backbone with an ax. It’s bloody and gruesome, just as it is meant to be. Osman and Vidar take over. Then Aric and Brodric. Until each rib has been separated and placed on her back. Selma passes out from the pain and trauma but is still alive. For now.

Henrik and Aksel move to one side of Selma, while Larson and Wayde move to the other. They each say a silent prayer and reach into the gaping cavity, pulling out Selma’s lungs. She screams and gurgles before becoming silent. Her lungs are placed on the ribs, making it appear as if she has wings.
