Page 38 of Vicious Vows

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My mother just told me what you suggested.

Just so we’re clear, I don’t want to live with you.

Just so we’re clear, I wasn’t asking.

I hate you.

He doesn’t answer, but I didn’t really expect him to. Tossing my phone aside, I lie back, closing my eyes. Why in the hell does he want me to stay with him? He literally told me he was just using me as a distraction.

I’m still stewing on his motives when Grandmama enters my room without knocking.

“The movers will be here tomorrow. Mark the items you want to take with you.”

I sit, toying with the frill on my bedspread. “Grandmama, don’t you think it would be improper to live with them, considering my age? I’m twenty-one. Most women my age have their own place.”

Her eyebrow lifts. “You aren’t most women, Anna. Besides, what do you know about living on your own?”

“I was hoping I could stay here. Keep you company…”

She shakes her head. “No.”

“Or maybe—”

“Did you not hear me the first time? I said no. You are staying with your mother until an appropriate match can be made for you.”

That gives me a burst of hope.

“Do you have someone in mind?”

“That is none of your business. Now, start packing.”

She spins, leaving me to my own thoughts.

There’s no way I can live under the same roof with Odin. Not after everything we’ve already done, and not when I want more.

* * *

I sleep little that night, tossing and turning. In the morning, I find a housekeeper who brings a few empty boxes into my room. I pack a few photos and books. The clothes that I’m bringing go into two suitcases. I’m hoping this is just temporary, and that Grandmama sees how ridiculous this is, so I leave most of my things here.

My breakfast tray is brought at nine, which is surprising. Guess they can’t have me passing out, now can they? I pick at the eggs and toast, savoring each bite. Just as I’m finishing, a maid knocks on the door.

“Your mother said to be ready in thirty minutes.”

I glance down. I’m wearing jeans and a nice top. I should change, but I’m not going to. The maid leaves and I pad to my closet. I still have the pills that Freja gave me, but I know better than to hide them in my purse. I move a few things around, trying to find one item in particular. I can’t believe I didn’t think of using it before now. I find it in the back of my closet, likely because it’s not something I thought I’d ever use.

Flipping open the book, I smile. There’s a small square cut out of the center of the book. Usually I’m against destroying a book, but it was a prop in a class play back when I was in middle school. I’m so freaking glad I didn’t toss it because the pills fit perfectly inside. Closing the book, I snort.

“Thanks Jane Austen.”

I add the book to the box with the other books I’m bringing. Glancing at the clock, I realize my time is running out. I rush to the bathroom, grabbing my toiletries and any other item that I might need. I’m putting the last of the items away when there’s a knock on my door.

“Miss, your mother is waiting for you.”

“Thanks. Do you know when my things will be taken to Mr. Vilulf’s house?”

“The movers are already here, miss.”

Good. I thank her again and make my way downstairs. Mother is waiting, but so is Odin. Great.
