Page 39 of Vicious Vows

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Mother eyes me, frowning. “Finally.” She turns to Odin. “She’s always late.”

That’s not true, but I don’t defend myself.

Odin says, “If you’re both ready, the car is waiting.”

Mother loops her arm through his, letting him lead her from the penthouse. I feel a pang of… I don’t know, sadness, I guess, as I leave. This has been the only home I’ve ever known. Grandmama doesn’t even come out to say goodbye.

Outside, a black sedan is waiting. Odin opens the door for Mother and then rounds the car, sliding in. My cheeks flush. Guess I’m sitting up front with the driver. The driver is an older man who completely ignores me even after I greet him. Okay then. Thankfully, Odin’s place isn’t far from Grandmama’s house.

Odin holds Mother’s hand, leading her into his penthouse. I should probably act like I’ve never been here, but what’s the point? The doormen have seen me. Twice. One of them even nodded at me as I passed. Good thing Mother was focused on her phone and didn’t notice.

“This is where we will stay until the renovations to the house are complete.” He gives her a panty-melting smile. “I won’t have my wife-to-be living in squalor. Now, let me show you to our room.”

She beams at him. “I’d like that.”

Kill. Me. Now.

I do not want to watch them looking at the bedroom that they’ll share.

Clearing my throat, I ask, “Which room is mine? I’d like to unpack.”

Odin’s gaze lands on me, making me wish I hadn’t spoken. “I will show you after I show your mother her room. Come, Selma. Anna, you may follow, too.”

He guides mother down a long hallway, opening the third door. As soon as the door opens, I get a whiff of a scent that is entirely Odin, making my cheeks flame. He leads Mother inside, but I stay in the hallway. I can’t go in there. I just can’t.

After what feels like forever, Odin emerges, his hair slightly disheveled. Jealousy courses through me, and I hate myself for it.

“You have lipstick on your mouth,” I say, pointing to the corner of my mouth.

His eyes glint as he rubs his lips in a manner that’s far too sensual.

“This way.”

I follow him to the other side of the penthouse. Thank freaking god. He opens the door, motioning for me to enter. It’s nothing like my old room. The walls are painted dark blue. So dark that it almost looks black. The furniture is black iron. There’s not a lick of light colors in this room.

“Going for the dungeon look, I see.”

He chuckles from behind me. “You have no idea.”

Goosebumps lift on my skin as I turn to face him. “What does that mean?”

“You’ll find out if you disobey me.” He dips his head to the left. “The walls are soundproof. I could have you tied up to the bed and spank your ass until you screamed, and no one would ever know.”

He means the words as a warning, but my body has different ideas. Heat shoots through me and I swallow loudly.


“Good girl. I’ll send you a list of rules that I expect you to follow while you live under my roof.” He pauses. “Your grandmother and I will begin the process of finding you a suitable husband when I return from my honeymoon.”

I make a face, and he laughs.

“Jealous that I’m going to be away from you?”

“Angry that I have to wait for you and Grandmama to search.” I exhale. “This should have been started years ago. Why the delay?”

He lifts a shoulder in a shrug. “Ask her.”

“I’d get more answers asking your soundproof wall,” I mutter.
