Page 49 of Vicious Vows

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“Almost there, miss.”


I tuck the burner phone inside my bra, like Flynn advised me to do.

The cab comes to a stop in front of the building. Right away I spot several guards who aren’t usually there. Holding my head high, I climb out of the cab and make my way toward the front door. A guard touches his ear and speaks in low tones, alerting someone that I’m here. One doorman actually flinches as I approach, which tells me everything I need to know about what I’m walking in to.

In the lobby, I press the button for the elevator. It arrives a moment later and I step inside. I exhale shakily. I can do this. The doors open moments later, and I find Odin standing there, arms crossed. Oh god. I’m not dealing with Odin the man right now. No, I’m staring in the eyes of Odin the Mafia Don. Mother is at his side, though she looks more annoyed than anything.

Odin steps forward, grabbing my arm. “Where in the fuck have you been?”

I pull out of his grasp, putting distance between the two of us.


“Living room. Now.”

My heart pounds, but I do as he says.

He points at the couch. “Sit.”

Just to piss him off, I sit in one of the chairs. It has the desired effect because his gaze narrows and his jaw tics.

“I believe I gave you one requirement today, didn’t I?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Don’t disappoint me. That’s what I said. And what did you do? Disappoint me.”

Mother chimes in, “That’s just what Anna does, dear.”

He ignores her. “I want to know who in the fuck you were with.”

“Who said I was with anyone?”

He holds out his hand. “Phone. Now.”

Glaring, I hand him my phone. He uses my freaking code to unlock it. How does he know my passcode? I’m so glad I deleted the text message thread with Flynn when I turned on my phone.

Odin scrolls, the scowl on his face deepening.

“You better start talking, Anna. I want to know what happened from the moment you stepped out of this house to the moment you came back.”

I fake yawn. “Hard to say. It’s been a long day and I’m very tired.”

He turns to Mother. “Is she always like this?”


I bite back a shitty comment. Like she would know how I am.

“I’ll be keeping your phone. You will stay in your room until the wedding. Understand?”

“So basically the same as before? Got it.”

He mutters, “Faen i helvete.”

“May I go to bed, please?”
