Page 50 of Vicious Vows

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Mother waves her hand. “Go before we decide to punish you in other ways.”

That part I believe.

I slip from the room, though I can still feel Odin’s anger. This isn’t over. Not by a longshot.

In my room, I go to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I told Flynn about Freja’s theory that our phones are being watched. He mulled over my words and said that there were likely cameras in the house, too. He’s probably right. Digging my burner phone out, I hide it in the linen closet. Hopefully, Odin wouldn’t stoop as low as putting a camera in here.

I’m turning when the door flies open, almost coming off the hinges. My mouth gapes.

“Did you really just kick in my door?”

He crosses the room in three large strides, grabbing my arms just above my elbows.

“I want a fucking name.”


“Of who you were with.” His dark eyes are wild with anger.

“I wasn’twithanyone.”

He shakes me so hard my teeth actually rattle together.

“Bull shit. This is your last chance. Who. Were. You. With.”

Panic claws at my throat, making it hard to breathe.

“No one. Let go! You’re hurting me.”

His expression changes into a mask of calm fury. “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He lets go of one of my arms but pulls me behind him by my other arm. I try to break his hold, which only makes his grip tighten.

“Keep on and see what fucking happens.”

His grip is bruising. I whimper as he leads me right to the elevator. Two guards stand next to it and look away as we approach. The doors open and Odin pushes me in first before following. Panic threatens to steal the very air in my lungs as Odin punches a button for the lower basement level. The parking garage is the main basement, so what in the heck is in the lower basement? My gut screams that it’s nothing good. Odin is scarily silent. My hand shakes and I keep it pressed against my leg just so he doesn’t notice.

I don’t understand why he’s so angry. Mother didn’t seem alarmed that I was gone. Heck, she probably wouldn’t have even known if Odin hadn’t told her. The only reason she was upset was because she took cues from him.

Upset doesn’t even begin to describe the vibe swirling around Odin right now. Violent. Homicidal. Vicious…

The elevator dings as we reach the basement, and the doors open. Odin marches out, snapping his fingers. I follow because I’m too freaking scared to see what happens if I don’t.

The basement is dark and smells faintly of mildew and something else I can’t quite put my finger on. The cemented floor has dust on it, like no one has been down here in a while. But I don’t miss two sets of footprints and a mark between them that looks as if something was drug in. Something big. Like a person.

Ahead, two guards stand in front of a metal door. One opens the door, stepping aside so we can pass. It’s dark inside, but there’s a bit of light ahead. I shiver. Why is it so cold in here? It’s like a freezer…

Odin pulls me, moving me so I’m in front of him. I glance up in fear. Is he going to kill me? His expression is blank as he shoves me forward so hard that I almost fall. It’s then that I see it. Well, not it. Him. I see him.

Weselton is tied to a chair in the center of the room. A light above him casts the only light in the room. He’s slumped over as much as the rope around his body will allow him to. He’s facing us and even from here, I can see the blood dripping from his nose and mouth. He lifts his head, meeting my gaze with his only unswollen eye.

I turn to Odin. “What have you done?”

“I haven’t. This is all you.”

I shake my head. “No. Let him go.”

Odin takes a step toward me, and I retreat, putting me closer to Weselton.
