Page 51 of Vicious Vows

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“I warned you.”

Another step.

“I gave you a chance to give me a name.”

Another step.

“So now you find out what I mean when I say do not disappoint me.”

I bump into the chair that Weselton is in, making him moan. When I try to sidestep him, Odin reaches out, stopping me.

“Turn around and look him in the eyes. It’s the least you can do.”

Tears sting my eyes. “Please don’t do this.”

“I’m not. You are.”

Gripping my shoulders, he spins me so I’m facing Weselton.

“Weselton has worked for me for ten years. He’s one of my best soldiers and never let me down. Until today.”

Tears stream down my cheeks as I look at Weselton.

“He’s married. Has a wife, two kids, and another on the way. I’m sorry he won’t meet the child, but vow to take care of his family when he’s gone.”

“Please stop,” I beg. “Let him go.”

Odin continues, “His mother is in a nursing home in Queens. His father lives in their family home and visits his wife every Saturday. Weselton loves to cook for them in his free time.”

“Odin, stop!”

I sound hysterical, but I don’t care. If I can get through to Odin, then this madness will stop.

“Weselton, you’ve been a good soldier. Thank you for your service to my Family.” There’s a pause. “But you should have protected what’s mine more carefully.”

Weselton’s eye is full of tears that leak down his bruised cheek when he blinks. He dips his head once, as if accepting his fate.

Odin shifts behind me, and something brushes against my back. I don’t have to wonder what it is for long because Odin reaches around me, revealing his pistol.

“Give me your hand, Anna.”

“Odin, please—”

“The time for begging has passed. Now I show you I’m a man of my word. Give me your hand.”

My arm lifts slowly. He grabs it, shoving the pistol into my palm. He lifts my other hand until I’m holding the pistol with both hands. His hands cover mine to ensure that I can’t drop the gun or turn it on Odin. God knows I would if I could. Odin walks us backward a few steps, keeping Weselton in our line of vision.

“Remember this moment the next time you think to disobey me.”

I’m sobbing now.

“Pull the trigger, Anna. Put this good man out of the misery and pain you’ve caused him.”

Weselton stares back at me, unblinking.

“If I have to tell you again, he’ll suffer even more.”

My mind is racing all while my heart is breaking. Weselton doesn’t deserve this. And I know better than to wonder if Odin is telling the truth. He is. If I don’t do this, Weselton will suffer and will still die in the end. My eyes shut and my finger hovers around the trigger.
