Page 6 of Vicious Vows

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I settle back on my bed, waiting for another text. Or, even better, a video. It doesn’t take long for one to come through and I click on it with a trembling hand. Not because I’m scared, but because I still can’t believe this is happening.

He’s sitting on a black leather couch, his pants undone and cock in hand. The sleeves of his black shirt are rolled up, and I think I glimpse a tattoo on his forearm. It takes me a moment to figure out that he must be holding the phone with his other hand, looking down.I wish I could see his face…There’s upbeat music in the background, but it’s mostly quiet where he’s at. He fists himself, stroking himself in controlled movements from base to tip. Watching him work himself is beautiful. He rubs the head of his cock, smearing the pre-cum around, and I feel heat building deep inside of me.

If he was here, I’d use my mouth on him. I’ve never given anyone a blowjob, but I’d like to try. His hand moves faster, and his movements become jerky as he works himself.

“Fuck,” he groans, as he comes.

The video ends and I have to shake my head once. Did that really just happen? Did Hans Vilulf really just send me a video jacking off? When I go to rewatch it, the video is gone, as if it’s deleted itself. But my video is still there in the chat thread. Before I can overthink this too much, I type out a reply.

That was so sexy.

Glad you liked it, baby girl. Next time I’ll be coming in that pretty little pussy of yours.

My body tingles. God, I want that, too.

Do you know when you’re getting back from Australia?


Earlier, you mentioned that some girls had invited you to Australia.

He doesn’t respond right away. Crap. Did I make him mad?

I’ve overstepped Hans. You don’t owe me an explanation. I swear.

Oh, but I think I do. To answer your question, I’ll be back in New York sooner than later.


And you can bet your pretty ass that we’re going to finish what we started.

I can’t stop the grin that spreads across my face.


He doesn’t text back, but I’m still smiling as I pad to the bathroom where I take a shower. That night, my dreams are filled with him and all the naughty things we’re going to do when we see each other. Maybe my mother getting married won’t be such a bad thing. I mean, it brought Hans and me closer together tonight.



Morning comes far too early as we’re all awakened and told to be ready to leave by four. Thank god I’m a pro at packing. I join the others in the house's foyer, and we load into three vans that take us to the private airstrip. It’s always bittersweet leavingAngrboða, but I know I’ll be back. It’s in my blood, after all. At the airport, we board a commercial flight that will take us back home. Sometimes we fly private, but Grandmama always uses commercial flights when she wants us to be seen by the public. She says it keeps our enemies on their toes.

Eleven long hours later, we’re back home and I feel like I can breathe for the first time. My aunts and their spouses each have apartments in the building that Grandmama owns in Manhattan. Mother and I stay in the penthouse with her, so she’s not alone, though I’ve often wondered what it would be like to live on my own. It’s not going to happen, though. Grandmama vowed to keep us close after Aunt Honey was killed years ago, before I was even born. Unless the man that I marry is high-ranking, I’m sure we’ll end up living a few floors below with everyone else.

For now, I’m happy to go to my room on the second floor of the penthouse. I basically have the entire floor to myself. Opening the door, I look around. Grandmama let me pick out the light shade of pink on the walls when I was younger. It’s a bit childish now, but I’m too afraid to ask to change it. The furniture is made of juniper wood that was imported from Norway. My favorite spot is the window seat that overlooks Central Park. I’ve literally spent hours there, looking out, wishing I were someone else.

There’s a knock on the door and one maid enters, my bag in tow. I used to try to talk to the people who worked for us, but soon learned it was futile. In fact, Kristopher is the only one who’s ever been brave enough to answer me. Speaking of Kristopher, I wonder where he is? He wasn’t with the group of guards who met us at the airport. Maybe it’s his day off?

I don’t have time to dwell on it, because my phone dings and a text comes through from Grandmama.


Dinner is at 7. Wear the family colors. Do not embarrass me.

My chest is tight. That means someone important is coming. The man Mother is going to marry? Would Grandmama really do that the day we return? Glancing at the clock, I know I don’t have time for a nap. Not while I’m jetlagged and might oversleep. I wonder if Hans is around.

