Page 7 of Vicious Vows

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Hey! Just made it home. What are you up to?

After ten minutes, I drop my phone on my bed. Dang. Looks like he’s not going to answer. Guess I’ll start getting ready. I certainly don’t want to be the one who makes Grandmama mad tonight by being found lacking.

* * *

At seven on the dot, our family is seated in the formal dining room. Each of us is wearing the same shade of teal blue, though Grandmama and Mother are wearing a lighter shade. I’ve seen that color of blue before, but from where? Since we’re in New York, I’m at my seat at the end of the table because I’m unmarried.

Helen bumps my arm and whispers, “Notice the empty chair next to Grandmama? That’s where your father used to sit, isn’t it? Of course, you’re too young to remember him, aren’t you?”

I bite the inside of my cheek, so I don’t say something shitty. That’s what she’s wanting to happen. This family lives on drama, and if I answer, she’ll claim I was the one who started it, and everyone will believe her. So I keep my mouth shut. God knows Helen, affectionally called Hel by Grandmama, loves to cause a stir, especially if I’m the one who will get in trouble.

We all sit in silence until the doorbell rings. A few moments later, loud footsteps approach the dining room. My mouth drops open as Odin Vilulf walks in like he has every right to be in our house. Odin is the eldest Vilulf brother. He’s older than my mother, making him in his mid-fifties. He’s tall and well-built, which is enhanced by his custom-tailored black suit. He has grey hair that used to be dark and brown eyes, unlike his brothers, who all have blond hair and blue eyes. The black sheep, and the one to be feared. Everyone knows this.

He goes to Grandmama’s side, kissing her on the cheek before taking the seat to her right. The spot my cousin taunted used to belong to my father.

Why is Odin sitting there?

Grandmama clears her throat, getting everyone’s attention. “I’d like you all to give Mr. Vilulf a warm welcome. Odin and Selma will sign their marriage contract after dinner, and Odin has agreed to take on some of the family business.”

I shake my head once, as if it will change what’s about to happen. No! This can’t be who my mother is supposed to marry! If she marries him, then there’s no way I’ll be allowed to marry Hans! It would be scandalous for me to be in a relationship with my uncle-in-law.

Aunt Nora, the eldest aunt, asks, “Why weren’t we consulted about this marriage and the fact that you’re allowing this man to take over some of the business?”

Grandmama’s gaze narrows. “You dare to question me, Nora? In my home and after everything I’ve done for you and your pathetic husband?”

“I just think—”

Odin clears his throat. “If I may?”

I expect Grandmama to tell him no, but she nods. “Of course.”

“I understand this is shocking, but I can assure you that I have only the best intentions for this family.” He meets the gazes of each of my aunts, ignoring my uncles. “I will do whatever it takes to strengthen your legacy and vow that each of you will be protected by the Vilulf Family.”

I swear Freja’s mother, Aunt Ayra, lets out a dreamy sigh as he finishes speaking. I get it, I really do. His deep, gravelly voice is nice to listen to, and he said all the right things, but that changes nothing. He’s going to marry my mother, therefore ruining my life. It’s then that I realize where I’ve seen the shade of blue that Grandmama and Mother are wearing. It’s the same blue as the Vilulf crest. The same blue I just might learn to hate, since Hans will never be mine.

Our first course is served, all while I try to figure out a way to approach Grandmama. I can’t just come out and say what’s on my mind. No, she won’t listen to me. I let out a frustrated sigh that gains the attention of Aunt Ingrid, who sits across from me.

She mouths, “Quiet.”

Aunt Ingrid might be as strict as Grandmama. When my cousin, Lark, was a baby, she used to suck her thumb. To get her to stop. Aunt Ingrid cut the tip of Lark’s thumb with a knife to cause pain when Lark would try to suck on her thumb. When that didn’t work, she added hot sauce onto the cut. And that was her idea of acceptable punishment for an infant. Imagine what she’s done to others over the years. I dart my gaze from her before she notices that I’m staring.

The main course is served, and everyone gets steak and asparagus, while I get a small salad with greens and a few veggies. There’s not even dressing, for crying out loud. This is Grandmama’s doing, but what can I do? Argue with her? My best bet is going to be sneaking out later tonight and grabbing some food from my favorite pub a few blocks away. One of many things I’ve missed about New York. With that thought in mind, I shovel the lettuce into my mouth, chewing slowly until it’s gone. I still finish before everyone else, and the scent of their meat makes my stomach rumble. Thankfully, not too loud.

At the head of the table, Grandmama and Odin make polite conversation. Usually, others will chat with each other, too, but it seems everyone wants to hear what Grandmama and Odin have to say.

“I understand you recently returned from a trip as well?”

Odin says, “I did. Some of my brothers and I went to Bali. I had some business with one of my silk producers, and the younger Vilulfs never miss an opportunity to travel.”

“Ah. Must be the single brothers.”

Odin grins. “Indeed. Most of my brothers returned, but my youngest brother, Hans, continued his journey to Australia.”

“And how long will he be gone?”

“Hard to say. At least a month, if I were to guess.” He cuts into his steak, asking, “Was the matter I mentioned earlier handled?”

Grandmama dips her head. “It was. I must admit that I’m embarrassed that it happened right under my nose.”
