Page 63 of Vicious Vows

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“Ah. I told them I had to take care of something.”

I nod as guilt washes over me. He shouldn’t be here with me. He should be at the party with my mother—his fiancée.

“I can tell your mind is going a million miles an hour. Do I even want to know?”

“Probably not.”

He pulls me even closer. “I’m right where I want to be.”

“That might be sweet if you were mine to have.” My voice lowers. “Do you love her?”

I wish I could take back the words, but now that I’ve said them, I can’t back down.

“Love? What does love have to do with anything?”

“I would like to think that there’s a part of you who cares for her.”

“Care, yes. Love, no. Men like me don’t love.”

I glance over my shoulder. He’s looking ahead and not at me.

“Why marry her?”

“Why not?” He shifts. “Anna, I’m not in the mood for this. Don’t ruin a good thing by overthinking and asking too many questions.”

That statement alone should be enough of a red flag to send me running. He turns, so we’re spooning and pulls me even closer, as if he knows I’m thinking of leaving. I close my eyes, trying not to think about anything at all. Because if I did, I’d think about what a terrible person I am. I’d remember how this man has told me himself that I mean nothing to him. And I sure as hell would heed my heart’s warning about falling into bed with devils with ill intent.

* * *

Odin is gone when I wake up, but I’m glad. I can’t think clearly when he’s around. He makes me feel safe when he wraps his arms around me, and that might be the most dangerous thing in the world, especially when I know that what we have isn’t real. He doesn’t care about me, and god knows he’ll never love me. I close my eyes, allowing myself a moment to remember last night. I expected him to leave after I sucked him off. I sure as heck didn’t expect to fall asleep in his arms.

Sighing, I get out of bed and dress. I’m almost finished when I hear a knock on my door. Turning, I find one of the maids standing there, her hands clasped in front of her as if she’s scared. Can’t say that I blame her. I’m sure news has spread of Weselton’s disappearance.


“Your mother would like to speak to you in the living room, miss.”


“Yes, miss.”

“Thank you.”

She dips her head before scurrying away. My heart is pounding. Why am I being summoned to the living room? There are only a few indiscretions that come to mind. My hidden phone. My hidden pills. Or the fact that I’ve basically been messing around with my mother’s fiancé. As dumb as it may be, part of me wants to see if my burner phone is still hidden, but I make my way to the living room instead.

Mother is sitting on the couch, sipping on her tea. She watches me approach, frowning.

“Yes, Mother?”

“Took you long enough. As you know, the wedding is in a few days. Tonight is the rehearsal dinner and tomorrow is the last dress fitting for everyone.” She takes a sip. “I have decided you will be allowed to go to the fitting so we can make sure your dress actually fits. I don’t want to be embarrassed just because you’re too fat.”

Ignoring her dig about the fitting, I ask, “What time do I need to be ready for the rehearsal dinner?”

“You aren’t coming,” Odin says as he enters the room, coming to a stop behind my mother. “This is for close family members only.”

Mother puts her hand over his, smiling up at him like he hung the moon.

“I’m…I’m not invited? To the wedding rehearsal dinner?”
