Page 71 of Vicious Vows

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“Odin, just go. I’m here now, so why does it matter where I went?”

He doesn’t answer, so I cross the room to my bed. I’m almost there when he grabs me, spinning me so I’m facing him. Before I can ask what in the hell he’s doing, he pushes me hard enough that I fall onto the bed. And then he’s moving over me, kissing me until I’m dizzy.

“You drive me mad,” he says between kisses.

His hands push up my shirt, baring my breasts. I moan as he covers one peak, licking and sucking. My own hands dig into the bedding beneath me just so I don’t do something stupid, like pull him closer to me. His other hand moves down, sliding into my panties. I spread my legs, gasping as he has me rushing toward an orgasm. Right before I come, he removes his fingers, making me curse.

“Why did you stop?”

“I want to know where you were.”

That makes me huff. “Why do you care where I was? You made it clear that you don’t consider me family.”

He doesn’t answer, but shifts his position and attacks my pussy, licking and sucking until I scream out his name. He doesn’t stop there, though. No, he does this until I come three more times. I’m so sensitive that each lick of his tongue hurts and I try to get away from him. He holds me in place, making me endure this torture. But then something happens. My body accepts the pain and I grow wet, racing toward my fifth orgasm.

“Odin,” I moan. “Yes!”

He moves, his erection brushing my clit through his pants. I let out a frustrated sound that turns into a sigh as he thrusts against me. Our lips meet in a slow kiss that makes me feel even more drunk than I already am. He pulls back and we stare at each other, while he dry humps me. I should hate this, not be rushing toward another orgasm. But then I see something on his neck.

I run my fingers over it, ice settling in my veins.

“I think my mother gave you a hickey.”

He stills over me and our gazes clash.

“She likely did.”

I feel sick.

“Please leave. I’d like to be alone.”

“Where did you and your piece of shit cousin go tonight?”

I have to swallow down the sob that’s working its way up my throat before I can speak.

“We went to her friend’s house and had some drinks.” I swallow again. “My only regret is that I didn’t have more to drink, so I could forget what happened tonight.”

His eyes are dark as he moves off me. “This is your last warning, Anna. You won’t like what happens if you piss me off again.”

I roll over, ignoring him. I don’t even bother to cover myself. He stands there for a bit longer before leaving, closing the door behind him. When he’s gone, I pull off my shirt, tossing it across the room and dig another one out from my closet. I couldn’t keep that shirt on. It smelled like him, which makes me want him. I make a disgusted sound. God, I’m so pathetic. That’s the thought on my mind as I drift off to sleep.

* * *

Morning comes far too soon, and I lie in my bed thinking about everything and nothing all at once. Odin had a hickey on his neck, which means he and my mother are at least kissing. I think back to what he said about how I was nothing more than a way to pass the time. I’m playing a dangerous game by letting this continue. If we’re caught, I will be the one the blame is placed on. I can hear it now. Why would someone like Odin ever chase after a fat disappointment like me? And there’s no telling what Grandmama will do to me if we’re discovered.

Feeling queasy, I roll to my side just as my door swings open. Mother stands in the doorway, a scowl on her face. Thank god I put on another nightshirt last night. I sit and try to ignore the headache that is currently making me sick. Maybe getting drunk on vodka was a bad idea.

“I heard about the stunt that you and Freja pulled.” She looks disgusted. “I’m not surprised that you made an ass of yourself.”

“Good god. It’s eight in the morning,” I blurt without thinking.

She moves with speed across the room, striking me across the cheek. Hot tears fill my eyes, but I blink them away before they fall.

“How dare you speak to me like that? I’ve changed my mind. You’ll be lucky if I let you go to the wedding.”

Maybe I’m still intoxicated, or maybe I just don’t care anymore. I stand, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Like I even want to go to your wedding.” I move closer. “Everyone knows this is a union based solely on financial gain, Mother. They know you couldn’t pull someone like Mr. Vilulf otherwise.”
