Page 79 of Vicious Vows

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That’s basically saying I’m terrible.

I’m not throwing any stones. God knows I’ve done my share of terrible things.

Just be careful. Those Vilulf men are charming.

God knows that’s the truth.

Another thing that worries me is that Odin Vilulf doesn’t strike me as the type of man to act without a plan.

And what would his plan be for me?

I can think of a few things off the top of my head. 1) He’s using you to get even with Grandmama. 2) He’s planning on hurting you. 3) All the above.

Isn’t it possible that he’s just attracted to me?


How did the two of you even meet?

Long story that involves Hans sending me the wrong number.

OMG! You’re the source Odin was talking about the night the marriage contract was signed! I wondered what was up when you ran out early.

Good thing no one else noticed.

Girl, those fools only see Grandmama and the light they think shines out of her butt.


I mean it. And I really mean it when I say be smart.

I will. Love you.

Love you, too.

I turn off the phone and put it in its hiding place.

Well, if I’m going to be under house arrest, then it’s only fair that I look around said house since I’ve only seen a few rooms.

After lunch, I explore the penthouse. I start in the living room, making my way to the balcony outside. Snow falls from the sky, and we’re high enough that the penthouse is a part of the clouds. I bet it’s gorgeous out here in the summer. The pool is uncovered, and the surrounding cement is free of snow. Reaching down, I touch the water only to find that it’s heated. Well, that will be something to do if I get bored later. The beautiful part is no one is here to give me crap if I go skinny dipping.

Back inside, I pass through the dining room and kitchen, following the hallway. There are a few empty guest rooms that are lovely and nothing like my dungeon of a room. I debate going down the hallway that leads to the room Odin and my mother share, but curiosity gets the best of me. Their door is open, as if they don’t care who enters, but I stand in the hallway. The bed is massive, covered in a grey bedspread. The furniture is white and gives the room an airy feeling. Beyond the bed are two doors. I assume one leads to the closet and the other leads to the bathroom. Inhaling, I catch a light hint of Odin’s cologne.

Deciding I’ve tortured myself enough, I move past their room. One of the doors in the hallway leads to a linen closet. The other is a small office that smells like my mother. I’m sure she was thrilled that he had a space just for her. Moving to the second floor, I find a gym. Guess that’s how Odin stays so fit. Snorting, I close the door and move to the next room, which is a home theatre.

“This would have been nice to know about,” I mutter.

There’s also a library, but the most interesting thing I find is another bedroom. This one is dark, reminding me of my room, and smells like Odin. I inhale and my nipples harden. God, what is wrong with me? I’m like Pavlov’s dog. But I move further into the room. The bed is just as big as the one downstairs, but this one looks as if someone has only slept on one side. Was it Odin? My gut says yes.

Moving past the bed, I open the first door. It’s the most stunning bathroom I’ve ever seen in my life. The soaking tub is big enough for four people, but when I look at it, all I see is me and Odin in it. Leaving the bathroom, I open the next door. It’s a closet, and it’s full of Odin’s clothes. His scent surrounds me, making me dizzy as I move into the space. But then I notice something. A spiral staircase made of iron leading down. Where does it go? I know his study and office is in this area on the first floor. Maybe there?

Holding onto the railing, I take the stairway to the first floor, opening the door. I’m surprised to see my doorway across the hall from where I’m currently standing. Did he put me in this room on purpose? Goosebumps lift on my skin and I shake my head. I need to pull it together. This isn’t some devious plan. No, it's a coincidence, that’s all. But something pulls deep inside of me. What if it’s not a coincidence? Closing the door to the hidden stairway, I enter my room, shutting the door softly behind me as Freja’s warning crosses my mind. It’s best if I pretend I never saw this, so that’s what I’m going to do.

* * *


Selma smiles at me as she enters yet another shoppe where she will happily spend an obscene amount of my money. I hold the smile on my face until she disappears inside, reaching for my phone. Business never stops, even when one is on their honeymoon. Honeymoon. The word sours my stomach. I’ll be glad to be on my way home, but I’ve still got three weeks of this shit left.
