Page 91 of Vicious Vows

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I laugh. “Don’t be so sure of yourself. I have years of practice under my belt.”

* * *

I spend the rest of the day trying not to freak out. Why is Odin coming home early? Is it because of me? Hans? Or all of the above?

At six, a guard finds me in the living room.

“Miss, Mr. and Mrs. Vilulf will be here shortly.”

“Thank you.”

I stand, clasping my hands behind my back while I wait. Knowing Mother, she’s going to be the first to enter. She never waits for the luggage to be unloaded. No, that job usually falls on my shoulders. I just pray she’s alone because I only have one shot at this. In the foyer, the elevator dings as it opens, and I hear her heels clicking against the tiled floor. Only one set of footsteps, though. Thank god.

Mother enters the living room looking refreshed and relaxed, well, until she sees me.

“What are you doing out of your room?”

“Hello, Mother. It’s nice to see you. I hope you had a pleasant trip.”

“I did until just now. How strange.”

Ignoring her dig, I jump right in with my question. I know this is risky, but I need to ask her before Odin arrives.

“Would it be possible for me to stay with Grandmama tonight? I’m sure you and Mr. Vilulf would like some time alone.”

Her eyebrow lifts. “How very thoughtful. Yes, you may stay with her tonight.”

“Thank you.” I pause. “Can you let the driver know to pull the car around?”

“For the love of god. Must I do everything around here?” She exhales. “Go. I’ll make sure the car is waiting.”

I scurry away to my room, grabbing the bag I’d already packed. I'm so afraid that I’m going to run into Odin, but thankfully, we miss each other as I take the elevator to the first floor. The car is waiting, and I slide into the back, ignoring that I can smell Odin’s cologne.

I’m on edge during the short drive to Grandmama’s building. Odin is going to think I’m running from him, which is partially true. I’m not ready to see him, so if that makes me a coward, then so be it. Besides, I thought I’d have more time to come to terms with what we did, but he had to change the game.

My eyes close. I was awake when he slipped from the bed. Felt his lips brush against mine as he whispered, “Skatten min.”And then I felt the loss of his warmth in the room as he left. At that moment, I knew I was in danger and I’m still in danger. Because I was happy when I heard they were coming back early. Happy because I’ll get to see him.

“Miss, we’re here.”

Opening my eyes, I realize the car has come to a stop.

“Thank you.”

Slipping from the car, I enter the building. It’s strange being here. It doesn’t feel like home anymore. Instead, I feel like a visitor. The doorman pushes the button for the elevator, and I step inside. I don’t have a plan other than getting away from Odin. With any luck, Grandmama will let me stay for as long as I want. That would be ideal. If anything, a week will hopefully help me get my shit together where Odin is concerned.

The doors open and I enter Grandmama’s house. Classical music plays from the living room, so I head in that direction. Grandmama looks up and I go to her, kissing her cheek.

“Hello, Grandmama.”

“Does your mother know you’re here?”

“Yes, ma’am. I thought it might be nice to give her and Mr. Vilulf some privacy since their trip was cut short.”

“Selma and Odin are back?”


“Yes, ma’am. They just arrived. Would it be okay if I stayed here?”
