Page 90 of Vicious Vows

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“Yeah. She was a nice lay, but I don’t know.” He gives me a sheepish smile. “You probably think I’m a man slut. Here I am telling you about a girl I boned when just last night I was saying I had hoped you and I could get together.”

“I wasn’t sure if you remembered.”

“Of course I remembered.” He shakes his head. “Still pissed that my brother had to go and ruin things.”

In more ways than one…

“Well, stranger things have happened, right?”

I’m trying to be polite, but then I remember that terrible kiss we shared. He was drunk, but I’m not sure that’s the only reason I didn’t enjoy it. Odin’s face crosses my mind and I bite back a groan. Damn Odin!

Chef Pascal appears at that moment. “Breakfast is ready.”

I lead the way to the dining room, taking my seat at the head of the table.

Hans laughs. “Fuck. I’d pay money to see you do that when Odin’s here.”


“That’s his spot.”

“Well, I guess it’s a good thing he’s not here, then.”

Hans lifts his coffee mug. “I’ll drink to that.”

We finish our food, chatting about people we know. It’s nice, but it feels more friendly than how I wish it felt. You know, the way Odin makes me feel…

Hans says, “You should come with us the next time we go to Bali. You’d have a blast.”

“I’m not sure if a stepdaughter who’s twenty-one qualifies for family trips like that.”

He wiggles his eyebrows. “You could always come as my date.”

His phone buzzes from the other room, but he ignores it. Or tries to until it buzzes four more times.

“I’d better get that.”

He leaves. From the living room I hear him groan. He comes back, phone in hand.

“Odin just texted.”

I swear to god my heart misses a beat.

“Oh? What did he say?”

“They’re coming back early.”

“What? Did he say when or why?”

“Yeah, they’ll be back tonight. Something to do with a matter that can’t wait.”

I shiver. Am I that ‘matter’? My gut says yes.

“Hey, it’s okay. I know my brother comes off as a dick, but he’d never hurt a woman. Besides, he probably heard about what I did and wants to take care of it for me.”

I smile. “Of course he wouldn’t hurt a woman. So, do you want to play a video game?”

“Hell yeah. Be prepared to lose in Mario Kart!”
